Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm


file  Coulomb_Diamonds.m
 Transport calculation through a graphene QD including the charging energy utilizing the diagarmmatic technique of ......
file  Differential_conductance.m
 Example to calculate the differential conductance and the IV curve through a junction made of a square lattice.
file  Graphene_antidot_transport.m
 Calculates the conductance through a graphene antidot in a homogeneous magnetic field.
file  Graphene_Conductivity.m
 Example to calculate the conductivity through a wide (4 micron) graphene junction.
file  Graphene_QAD_eig.m
 Example to calculate the eigenstates of quantum antidots.
file  JosephsonCurrent.m
 Example to calculate DC Josephson current through a one-dimensional chain.
file  magnetic_barrier.m
 Example to calculate the conductivity through a magnetic barrier.
file  magnetic_ribbon.m
 Example to calculate the conductivity through a ribbon in a magnetic field.
file  MinimalConductivity.m
 Calculates the minimal conductivity of the graphene sheet as a function of the aspect ratio.
file  Self_Consistent_Spectrum.m
 Example to calculate the self-consitent spectrum of a graphene quantum dot.
file  Self_Consistent_Transport.m
 Example to calculate transport through a graphene quantum dot using self-consistent potential.
file  SpectralDensity.m
 Example to calculate the spectral density function in a superconductor-graphene-superconductor junction.
file  TMDC_Monolayer_Spectrum.m
 Example to calculate the spectra of spinless monolayer $ M_oS_2 $ TMDC with nearest neighbor (EQuUs) and second nearest neighbor (PRB 92 205108) model.

Detailed Description