Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm


file  Coordinates.m
 Structure containing the coordinates and other quantum number identifiers of the sites in the Hamiltonians.
file  Lattice_Bilayer_Graphene.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the Bilayer Graphene lattice.
file  Lattice_Bilayer_Graphene.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the Bilayer Graphene lattice.
file  Lattice_BiTeI.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the BiTeI lattice.
file  Lattice_Graphene.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the hexagonal (graphene) lattice.
file  Lattice_Lieb.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the Lieb lattice.
file  Lattice_Silicene.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the Silicene lattice.
file  Lattice_Square.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the square lattice.
file  Lattice_SSH.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the SSH lattice.
file  Lattice_TMDC_Bilayer_SOC.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the lattice of bilayer transitional dichalcogenides including spin-orbit coupling according to PRB 92, 205108 (2015).
file  Lattice_TMDC_Monolayer.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the lattice of monolayer transitional dichalcogenides according to PRB 92, 205108 (2015).
file  Lattice_TMDC_Monolayer_SOC.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the lattice of monolayer transitional dichalcogenides including spin-orbit coupling according to PRB 92, 205108 (2015).
file  Lattice_Triangle.m
 Class containing physical parameters of the triangle lattice.
file  param_BiTeI_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a BiTeI lattice.
file  param_Graphene_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a graphene lattice.
file  param_Graphene_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a graphene (hexagonal) lattice.
file  param_Lead.m
 Base class to construct a structure containing physical parameters of a specific lead.
file  param_Lead_DFT.m
 Base class to construct a structure containing physical parameters of a specific lead for DFT calculations.
file  param_Lieb_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a Lieb lattice.
file  param_scatter.m
 Base class to construct a structure containing physical parameters of the scattering region.
file  param_scatter_DFT.m
 Base class to construct a structure containing physical parameters of the scattering region for DFT calculations.
file  param_Silicene_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a Silicene lattice.
file  param_Square_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a BiTeI lattice.
file  param_Square_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a BiTeI lattice.
file  param_Square_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a BiTeI lattice.
file  param_Square_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a BiTeI lattice.
file  param_Square_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a square lattice.
file  param_SSH_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a SSH lattice.
file  param_SSH_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a SSH lattice.
file  param_TMDC_Bilayer_SOC_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a TMDC Bilayer lattice including spn-orbit coupling.
file  param_TMDC_Bilayer_SOC_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a TMDC bilayer lattice including spin-orbit coupling.
file  param_TMDC_Monolayer_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a TMDC_Monolayer lattice.
file  param_TMDC_Monolayer_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a TMDC_Monolayer lattice.
file  param_TMDC_Monolayer_SOC_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a TMDC_Monolayer lattice including spn-orbit coupling.
file  param_TMDC_Monolayer_SOC_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a TMDC_Monolayer lattice including spn-orbit coupling.
file  param_Triangle_Lead.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a particular lead defined on a Triangle lattice.
file  param_Triangle_scatter.m
 Class containing physical parameters of a scattering center defined on a Triangle (hexagonal) lattice.

Detailed Description