Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm


file  antidot.m
 A class to perform transport calculations on a graphene antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon).
file  Density.m
 A class to calculate the onsite desnity useful for self-consistent calculations.
file  DOS.m
 A class to calculate the density of states along a one-dimensional energy array.
file  IV.m
 A class to calculate the I-V curve for a two terminal setup, based on the non-equilibrium Greens function technique of Eur.
file  NTerminal.m
 A class describing an N-terminal geometry for equilibrium calculations mostly in the zero temperature limit.
file  NTerminal_Keldysh.m
 A class describing an N-terminal geometry for steady state non-equilibrium calculations.
file  QuantumDot.m
 A class to process transport calculations on quantum dots.
file  Ribbon.m
 A class for calculations on a ribbon of finite width for equilibrium calculations mostly in the zero temperature limit.
file  Ribbon_Keldysh.m
 A class representing a two-terminal structure defined on a preprogrammed lattices for steady state non-equilibrium calculations.
file  SNSJosephson.m
 A class to calculate the DC Josephson current.
file  UtilsBase.m
 This class is a base class containing common properties and methods utilized in several other classes.

Detailed Description