Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
EQuUs_C.f90 File Reference

An EQuUs element prototype. More...

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Data Types

interface  equus_c::allocateelement
interface  equus_c::assocelement
type  equus_c::eqelement
type  equus_c::eqstruct


module  equus_c


subroutine equus_c::addelement (eq_elements, eq_element)
subroutine equus_c::allocateelementarray (eq_elements, num)
subroutine equus_c::allocateelementsingle (eq_element)
subroutine equus_c::associntelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::associntmatrixelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::associntvectorelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assoclogicalelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assocrealelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assocrealmatrixelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assocrealvectorelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assocstringelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assocstringelement2 (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::assocstructelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine equus_c::deallocateelement (eq_element)


integer, parameter, public equus_c::dp = selected_real_kind(14, 100)
integer, parameter, public equus_c::sp = selected_real_kind(6, 30)

Detailed Description

An EQuUs element prototype.

An XML node object.

Associates fortran real(dp) matrix to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran real(dp) array to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran integer matrix to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran integer array to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran real(dp) to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran integer to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran logical to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates fortran string to an EQuUs element prototype.

Associates an EQstruct element to an EQuUs element prototype.

Deallocates the memory allocated in an EQelement.

Allocates a memory for an EQelement.

Allocates a memory for an array of EQelement.

Add an EQelement to an array of EQelements.

An EQuUs structure prototype.

eq_elementsAn array of EQelements
[in]eq_elementsA pointer to an EqElement instance
[out]eq_elementsPointer to an array of of EQelements
[in]numThe length of the array to be allocated
[out]eq_elementAn instance of EQelement
[in]eq_elementAn instance of EQelement
[out]eq_elementAn instance of EQelement
[in]elementnameThe name of the element
[in]valueThe valu related to the Fortran type.
[out]eq_elementAn instance of EQelement
[in]elementnameThe name of the element
[in]valueThe value related to the Fortran type.

Definition in file EQuUs_C.f90.