Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
equus_c Module Reference

Data Types

interface  allocateelement
interface  assocelement
type  eqelement
type  eqstruct


subroutine addelement (eq_elements, eq_element)
subroutine allocateelementarray (eq_elements, num)
subroutine allocateelementsingle (eq_element)
subroutine associntelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine associntmatrixelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine associntvectorelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assoclogicalelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assocrealelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assocrealmatrixelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assocrealvectorelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assocstringelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assocstringelement2 (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine assocstructelement (eq_element, elementname, value)
subroutine deallocateelement (eq_element)


integer, parameter, public dp = selected_real_kind(14, 100)
integer, parameter, public sp = selected_real_kind(6, 30)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ addelement()

subroutine equus_c::addelement ( type(eqelement), dimension(:), pointer  eq_elements,
type(eqelement), pointer  eq_element 

Definition at line 88 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ allocateelementarray()

subroutine equus_c::allocateelementarray ( type(eqelement), dimension(:), pointer  eq_elements,
integer  num 

Definition at line 129 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ allocateelementsingle()

subroutine equus_c::allocateelementsingle ( type(eqelement), pointer  eq_element)

Definition at line 153 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ associntelement()

subroutine equus_c::associntelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
integer  value 

Definition at line 395 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ associntmatrixelement()

subroutine equus_c::associntmatrixelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer  value 

Definition at line 526 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ associntvectorelement()

subroutine equus_c::associntvectorelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
integer, dimension(:), pointer  value 

Definition at line 486 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assoclogicalelement()

subroutine equus_c::assoclogicalelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
logical  value 

Definition at line 349 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assocrealelement()

subroutine equus_c::assocrealelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
real(dp value 

Definition at line 438 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assocrealmatrixelement()

subroutine equus_c::assocrealmatrixelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
real(dp), dimension(:,:), pointer  value 

Definition at line 610 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assocrealvectorelement()

subroutine equus_c::assocrealvectorelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
real(dp), dimension(:), pointer  value 

Definition at line 565 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assocstringelement()

subroutine equus_c::assocstringelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
character(len=*), dimension(:), pointer  value 

Definition at line 256 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assocstringelement2()

subroutine equus_c::assocstringelement2 ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
character(len=*)  value 

Definition at line 303 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ assocstructelement()

subroutine equus_c::assocstructelement ( type(eqelement eq_element,
character(len=*)  elementname,
type(eqstruct value 

Definition at line 218 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ deallocateelement()

subroutine equus_c::deallocateelement ( type(eqelement eq_element)

Definition at line 172 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

Variable Documentation

◆ dp

integer, parameter, public equus_c::dp = selected_real_kind(14, 100)

Definition at line 25 of file EQuUs_C.f90.

◆ sp

integer, parameter, public equus_c::sp = selected_real_kind(6, 30)

Definition at line 26 of file EQuUs_C.f90.