1 % Calculates the eigenstates of quantum antidots - based on EQuUs v4.4
2 % Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Rakyta, Ph.D.
4 % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 % (at your option) any later version.
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License
for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with
this program. If not, see http:
16 %> @addtogroup Examples
19 %> @brief Example to calculate the eigenstates of quantum antidots.
20 %> @
param filenum The identification number of the filenema
for the exported data (
default is 1).
22 %> EQuUs v4.7 or later
28 %> @brief Example to calculate the eigenstates of quantum antidots.
29 %> @
param filenum The identification number of the filenema
for the exported data (
default is 1).
33 if ~exist(
'var' )
37 filename = mfilename('fullpath');
38 [directory, fncname] = fileparts( filename );
41 %> filename containing the input XML
42 inputXML = 'Basic_Input_zigzag_leads.xml';
43 %> Parsing the input file and creating data
structures 46 %> filename containing the output XML
47 outfilename = [fncname, '_',num2str( filenum )];
51 %> The width of the graphene strip
53 %> The length of the graphene strip
55 %> The center and radius of the
antidot 56 hole = struct( 'center', [width/2 height/2], 'radius', 90);
57 %> Magnetic field in Tesla
59 % the output directory
61 %> The calculated wave functions of the
antidot 64 %> setting the output directory
68 cAntidot =
antidot('width', width, 'height', height, '
Opt, '
param, 'B', B, '
hole, ...
69 'rCC', 1.42, 'filenameOut', fullfile( outputdir, [outfilename, '.xml']) );
71 %> calculate the wave functions
75 % plot the wave functions if screen is on.
80 % @brief Calculates TB wave functions
83 % set filterHole=1 to sort out the wave functions localized to the boundaries of the graphene strip
86 % expected energies (in eV) of the
antidot states for different edges
87 Energy_infmass = 0.1233529;
88 Energy_smooth = 0.1102997;
89 Energy_rough = 0.1080343;
91 % calculate the eigenstate for infinite mass boundary condition
92 hole_wavefnc.infmass = cAntidot.CalcWavefnc( Energy_infmass, 1, 'toPlot', 0, 'filterHole', filterHole, 'db', 1, 'infinitemass', 1, 'dotCalc', 0 );
94 % calculate the eigenstate for smooth edge boundary condition
95 hole_wavefnc.smoothedge = cAntidot.CalcWavefnc( Energy_smooth, 1, 'toPlot', 0, 'filterHole', filterHole, 'db', 1, 'infinitemass', 0, 'dotCalc', 0, 'smoothedge', 1 );
97 % calculate the eigenstate for rough edge boundary condition
98 hole_wavefnc.roughedge = cAntidot.CalcWavefnc( Energy_rough, 1, 'toPlot', 0, 'filterHole', filterHole, 'db', 1, 'infinitemass', 0, 'dotCalc', 0 );
100 % export the calculetd wave functions
101 save( [outputdir, filesep, outfilename,'.mat'], 'hole_wavefnc' );
107 % @brief plots the calculated wave functions
110 disp( 'Plotting wave functions' )
112 % if there is no display, the plot is skipped
113 if usejava('jvm') && ~feature('ShowFigureWindows')
114 disp('No display detected, exiting from plot.')
118 % define custom colormap levels
119 Colormap_levels = [1 1 0.989610493183136;0.910812675952911 0.910812675952911 0.86870539188385;0.868301570415497 0.868301570415497 0.812190175056458;0.825790464878082 0.825790464878082 0.755674958229065;0.809619069099426 0.809619069099426 0.734643757343292;0.793447613716125 0.793447613716125 0.713612616062164;0.777276217937469 0.777276217937469 0.692581415176392;0.761104762554169 0.761104762554169 0.671550273895264;0.744933366775513 0.744933366775513 0.650519073009491;0.725760400295258 0.725760400295258 0.626198768615723;0.706587433815002 0.706587433815002 0.601878464221954;0.687414407730103 0.687414407730103 0.577558159828186;0.668241441249847 0.668241441249847 0.553237855434418;0.650109708309174 0.650109708309174 0.530886232852936;0.6319779753685 0.6319779753685 0.508534550666809;0.613846242427826 0.613846242427826 0.486182928085327;0.595714509487152 0.595714509487152 0.463831305503845;0.57862401008606 0.57862401008606 0.443448305130005;0.561533570289612 0.561533570289612 0.423065304756165;0.544443130493164 0.544443130493164 0.402682334184647;0.527352631092072 0.527352631092072 0.382299333810806;0.505953729152679 0.505953729152679 0.35774689912796;0.484554797410965 0.484554797410965 0.333194434642792;0.463155895471573 0.463155895471573 0.308641999959946;0.450895965099335 0.446475297212601 0.298696875572205;0.438636004924774 0.429794728755951 0.288751751184464;0.426376074552536 0.413114130496979 0.278806626796722;0.414116144180298 0.396433532238007 0.268861502408981;0.402542054653168 0.381049633026123 0.259602248668671;0.390967965126038 0.36566573381424 0.250342965126038;0.379393875598907 0.350281864404678 0.241083696484566;0.367819786071777 0.334897965192795 0.231824427843094;0.3569315969944 0.320810824632645 0.223251044750214;0.346043407917023 0.306723684072495 0.214677661657333;0.335155189037323 0.292636543512344 0.206104278564453;0.324266999959946 0.278549402952194 0.197530895471573;0.314064651727676 0.265758991241455 0.189643383026123;0.303862333297729 0.252968549728394 0.181755855679512;0.29365998506546 0.240178138017654 0.173868328332901;0.283457636833191 0.227387711405754 0.165980815887451;0.273941189050674 0.215894013643265 0.158779174089432;0.264424741268158 0.204400300979614 0.151577517390251;0.254908263683319 0.192906603217125 0.144375860691071;0.245391815900803 0.181412905454636 0.137174218893051;0.236561223864555 0.171215921640396 0.130658447742462;0.227730631828308 0.161018952727318 0.124142669141293;0.218900039792061 0.15082198381424 0.117626890540123;0.210069447755814 0.140625 0.111111119389534;0.201924726366997 0.131724759936333 0.105281211435795;0.19378000497818 0.122824504971504 0.0994513034820557;0.185635298490524 0.113924264907837 0.0936214029788971;0.177490577101707 0.105024017393589 0.0877914950251579;0.170031726360321 0.0974204912781715 0.0826474577188492;0.162572875618935 0.0898169651627541 0.077503427863121;0.155114024877548 0.0822134390473366 0.0723593980073929;0.147655174136162 0.0746099129319191 0.0672153607010841;0.140882194042206 0.0683031156659126 0.0627572014927864;0.13410921394825 0.0619963146746159 0.0582990385591984;0.127336233854294 0.0556895136833191 0.0538408756256104;0.120563261210918 0.0493827164173126 0.0493827164173126;0.0904224440455437 0.0370370373129845 0.0370370373129845;0.0602816306054592 0.0246913582086563 0.0246913582086563;0.0301408153027296 0.0123456791043282 0.0123456791043282;0 0 0];
121 % creating figure in units of pixels and utilizing the previous colormap
122 figure1 = figure( 'Units', 'Pixels','Renderer','painters', 'Visible', 'off', ...
123 'Colormap', Colormap_levels);
125 % font size on the figure in points
128 % setting the position and margins of the plot, removing white
129 % spaces for release dates greater than 2015
130 ver = version('-release');
131 if str2num(ver(1:4)) >= 2016
133 fig.PaperPositionMode = 'auto';
134 fig_pos = fig.PaperPosition;
135 fig.PaperSize = [fig_pos(3) fig_pos(4)];
136 fig_pos(4) = fig_pos(4)/3;
144 %************** wave
function infinite mass **********************
146 axes_geo1 = axes( 'Parent',figure1,...
149 'FontSize', fontsize,...
151 'Units', 'Pixels', ...
152 'FontName','Times New Roman');
156 rCC = cAntidot.rCC*1e-10; %Angstrom
157 phi0 = cAntidot.h/cAntidot.qe; % magnetic flux quantum
158 eta_B = 2*pi/phi0*(rCC)^2*B;
159 homega = 2.97*sqrt(9/2*eta_B);
161 % selecting data to plot
162 Wavefnc = hole_wavefnc.infmass.Wavefnc{1};
163 xcoords = hole_wavefnc.infmass.xcoords;
164 ycoords = hole_wavefnc.infmass.ycoords;
166 radius = 90*sqrt(3)/2*1.42;
168 diameter_x = [mean(xcoords(1,:))-radius, mean(xcoords(1,:))+radius];
169 diameter_y = [mean(ycoords(:,1)), mean(ycoords(:,1))];
171 text_pos = [mean(xcoords(1,:))*0.76, mean(ycoords(:,1))*0.95];
172 Level_list = [3.00735878351463e-34 4.46458986025152e-06 8.92917972050304e-06 1.33937695807546e-05 1.78583594410061e-05 2.23229493012576e-05 2.67875391615091e-05 3.12521290217606e-05 3.57167188820121e-05 4.01813087422637e-05 4.46458986025152e-05 4.91104884627667e-05 5.35750783230182e-05 5.80396681832697e-05 6.25042580435213e-05 6.69688479037728e-05 7.14334377640243e-05 7.58980276242758e-05 8.03626174845273e-05 8.48272073447788e-05 8.92917972050304e-05 9.37563870652819e-05 9.82209769255334e-05 0.000102685566785785 0.000107150156646036 0.000111614746506288];
174 % plot the wave
function 175 contourf( xcoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), ycoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), abs(Wavefnc(1:delta:end,1:delta:end)).^2, ...
176 'LevelList', Level_list,
'Parent', axes_geo1 );
179 plot( diameter_x, diameter_y,
'LineWidth', 2,
'color', [0 0 0],
'Parent', axes_geo1 )
180 text(text_pos(1), text_pos(2), [num2str(2*radius/10,
'% 10.2f'),
' nm'],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo1);
182 % creating energy text
183 energy = hole_wavefnc.infmass.eigenval/homega;
184 text(text_pos(1)-radius/5, text_pos(2)+2.1*radius, [
'E = ',num2str(energy,
'% 10.2f'),
' $$\hbar\omega_c$$'],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo1);
187 %************** wave
function for smooth edge **********************
189 axes_geo2 = axes(
'Parent',figure1, ...
192 'FontSize', fontsize,...
194 'Units',
'Pixels', ...
195 'FontName',
'Times New Roman');
199 % selecting data to plot
200 Wavefnc = hole_wavefnc.smoothedge.Wavefnc{1};
201 xcoords = hole_wavefnc.smoothedge.xcoords;
202 ycoords = hole_wavefnc.smoothedge.ycoords;
204 % plot the wave
function 205 contourf( xcoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), ycoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), abs(Wavefnc(1:delta:end,1:delta:end)).^2, ...
206 'LevelList', Level_list,
'Parent', axes_geo2 );
209 plot( diameter_x, diameter_y,
'LineWidth', 2,
'color', [0 0 0],
'Parent', axes_geo2 )
210 text(text_pos(1), text_pos(2), [num2str(2*radius/10,
'% 10.2f'),
' nm'],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo2);
212 % creating energy text
213 energy = hole_wavefnc.smoothedge.eigenval/homega;
214 text(text_pos(1)-radius/5, text_pos(2)+2.1*radius, [
'E = ',num2str(energy,
'% 10.2f'),
' $$\hbar\omega_c$$'],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo2);
217 %************** wave
function for rough edge **********************
218 axes_geo3 = axes(
221 'FontSize', fontsize,...
223 'Units',
'Pixels', ...
224 'FontName',
'Times New Roman');
229 Wavefnc = hole_wavefnc.roughedge.Wavefnc{1};
230 xcoords = hole_wavefnc.roughedge.xcoords;
231 ycoords = hole_wavefnc.roughedge.ycoords;
233 % plot the wave
function 234 contourf( xcoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), ycoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), abs(Wavefnc(1:delta:end,1:delta:end)).^2, ...
235 'LevelList', Level_list,
'Parent', axes_geo3 );
238 plot( diameter_x, diameter_y,
'LineWidth', 2,
'color', [0 0 0],
'Parent', axes_geo3 )
239 text(text_pos(1), text_pos(2), [num2str(2*radius/10,
'% 10.2f'),
' nm'],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo3);
241 % creating energy text
242 energy = hole_wavefnc.roughedge.eigenval/homega;
243 text(text_pos(1)-radius/5, text_pos(2)+2.1*radius, [
'E = ',num2str(energy,
'% 10.2f'),
' $$\hbar\omega_c$$'],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo3);
245 % get the figure position
246 figure_pos = get( figure1,
'Position' );
249 cbar = colorbar(
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'XTickLabel', {
250 cbar_position = get(cbar,
'Position' );
251 cbar_position(2) = 120;
252 cbar_position(4) = 10;% = [30 10 figure_pos(3)/4.3 10];
253 cbar_position(3) = figure_pos(3)/4.3;
254 set( cbar,
'Position', cbar_position);
258 % Set the position of the wave
function with infinite mass
259 Position_geo1 = get(axes_geo1,
260 Position_geo1(1) = 0;
261 Position_geo1(2) = 0;
262 Position_geo1(3) = figure_pos(3)/3;
263 Position_geo1(4) = figure_pos(4);
264 set(axes_geo1,
'Position', Position_geo1);
266 % Set the position of the wave
function with smooth edge
267 Position_geo2 = get(axes_geo2,
'Position');% - get(axes_geo2,
'TightInset') * [-1 0 1 0; 0 -1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1];
268 Position_geo2(1) = figure_pos(3)/3;
269 Position_geo2(2) = 0;
270 Position_geo2(3) = figure_pos(3)/3;
271 Position_geo2(4) = figure_pos(4);
272 set(axes_geo2,
'Position', Position_geo2);
274 % Set the position of the wave
function with rough edge
275 Position_geo3 = get(axes_geo3,
276 Position_geo3(1) = 2*figure_pos(3)/3;
277 Position_geo3(2) = 0;
278 Position_geo3(3) = figure_pos(3)/3;
279 Position_geo3(4) = figure_pos(4);
280 set(axes_geo3,
'Position', Position_geo3);
283 print(
'-depsc2', [outputdir,
'.eps'] )
290 % @brief Sets the output directory
292 resultsdir = 'results';
294 outputdir = resultsdir;
function Graphene_QAD_eig(filenum)
Example to calculate the eigenstates of quantum antidots.
Structure hole contains the data about the antidot used in class antidot.
Structure Opt contains the basic computational parameters used in EQuUs.
A class to perform transport calculations on a graphene antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon)....
function calc_TBwavefnc()
filename containing the input XML
Structure param contains data structures describing the physical parameters of the scattering center ...
function structures(name)