2 % Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Peter Rakyta, Ph.D.
4 % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 % (at your option) any later version.
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License
for more details.
14 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 % along with
this program. If not, see http:
17 %> @addtogroup utilities Utilities
20 %> @brief A
class to perform transport calculations on a graphene
antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon). Obsolete
for real calculations a creation of a
new class is recommended.
22 %> @brief A
class to perform transport calculations on a graphene
antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon). Obsolete class, for real calculations a creation of a new class is recommended.
26 properties ( Access =
protected )
27 %> A lattice vector in the hexagonal lattice.
29 %> A lattice vector in the hexagonal lattice.
31 %> Directory name to export the plotted wave functions.
33 %> The name of the subdirectory to export the plotted wave functions.
37 properties ( Access =
public )
38 %> An instance of structure
hole 42 %> The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla
48 %> flux in the
hole in units of \phi_0
54 %> The charge of the electron
60 methods ( Access =
public )
63 %> @brief Constructor of the
65 %> @
param interpq An array of transverse momentum points at which fhandle is calculated via interpolation.
66 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters. For details see #InputParsing.
67 %> @
return An instance of the
class 68 function obj =
antidot( varargin )
70 obj.
a1 = [sqrt(3); -1]*sqrt(3)/2;
71 obj.a2 = [sqrt(3); 1]*sqrt(3)/2;
77 obj.B = 10e-10; %in Tesla
78 obj.antidot_edge_points = [];
79 obj.flux_of_hole = [];
85 obj.waveFncDirnameFull = [];
86 obj.waveFncSubDirname = [];
88 obj.InputParsing( varargin{:} );
89 obj.generate_geometry();
91 obj.display(
'Creating antidot object')
99 obj.CreateRibbon(
103 %> @brief Calculates the conductance of an
antidot connected to the leads in the
"contact/scattering center/contact" arrangement.
104 %> @
param Energy The energy value.
105 %> @
return C The calculated conductivity
106 %> @
return ny Array of the open channel in the leads.
107 %> @
return DeltaC Error of the unitarity.
108 function [C,ny,DeltaC] =
Transport( obj, Energy )
110 obj.display(
'Calculating transport in create_Hole_in_ribbon')
111 obj.setEnergy( Energy );
112 obj.create_scatter_GreensFunction();
114 Dysonfunc = @()obj.CustomDysonFunc(
'gfininv', obj.Ginv,
116 obj.FL_handles.DysonEq(
'CustomDyson', Dysonfunc );
118 save(
119 for idx = 1:length(errCause.stack)
120 obj.display(errCause.stack(idx), 1)
124 [S,ny] = obj.FL_handles.SmatrixCalc();
126 norma = norm(S*S'-eye(sum(ny)));
128 obj.display( ['error of the unitarity of S-matrix: ',num2str(norma)] )
132 obj.display( ['openchannels do not match: ',num2str(ny)] )
135 conductance = obj.FL_handles.Conduktance();
136 conductance = abs([conductance(1,:), conductance(1,:)]);
137 DeltaC = std(conductance);
139 C = mean(conductance);
141 obj.display( ['Energy = ', num2str(Energy), ' conductance = ', num2str(C)])
147 %> @brief Calculates the energies and wave functions of the bound states.
148 %> @
param Energy The energy value.
149 %> @
param closefigure If true, the created figure is closed at the end of the calculations.
150 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters:
151 %> @
param 'toPlot' Set true (default) for plotting the wave
function, or false otherwise.
152 %> @
param 'Einhomegac' Set true if the Energy is given in units of $$\hbar\omega_c$$, or false (default) otherwise.
153 %> @
param 'filterHole' Set true (default) for separating
antidot bound states from the edge states, or false otherwise.
154 %> @
param 'db' The number of the calculated energy eigenvalues. Default is db=30.
155 %> @
param 'infinitemass' Set true for using the infinite mass boundary condition, or false (default) otherwise.
156 %> @
param 'dotCalc' Set true for a dot, or false (default) otherwise.
157 %> @
param 'delta' Every delta-th point of the wave
function becomes plotted. Default is delta=4.
158 %> @
param 'smoothedge' Set true for using a smooth edge in the calculations, or false (default) otherwise.
159 %> @return ret A structure containing the calculated results.
160 %TODO create structure corresponding to the return value
161 function ret = CalcWavefnc( obj, Energy, closefigure, varargin )
162 obj.display( 'Calculating the wave
function' );
163 if ~exist('closefigure', 'var')
168 p.addParameter('toPlot', 1, @isscalar);
169 p.addParameter('Einhomegac', 0, @isscalar);
170 p.addParameter('filterHole', 1, @isscalar);
171 p.addParameter('db', 30, @isscalar);
172 p.addParameter('infinitemass', 0, @isscalar);
173 p.addParameter('dotCalc', 0, @isscalar);
174 p.addParameter('delta', 4, @isscalar);
175 p.addParameter('smoothedge', 0, @isscalar);
177 p.parse(varargin{:});
178 toPlot = p.Results.toPlot;
179 Einhomegac = p.Results.Einhomegac;
180 filterHole = p.Results.filterHole;
182 infinitemass = p.Results.infinitemass;
183 dotCalc = p.Results.dotCalc;
184 delta = p.Results.delta; %used in wavefunction plotting
185 smoothedge = p.Results.smoothedge;
188 rCC = obj.rCC*1e-10; %Angstrom
189 phi0 = obj.h/obj.qe; % magnetic flux quantum
190 eta_B = 2*pi/phi0*(rCC)^2*obj.B;
191 homega = 2.97*sqrt(9/2*eta_B);
192 Energy = Energy*homega;
197 if dotCalc && ~infinitemass
200 [Hscatter, wavefunc_indexes] = obj.create_hole_Hamiltonian(
'infinitemass', infinitemass,
'dotCalc', dotCalc,
'smoothedge', smoothedge );
201 xcoords = obj.coordinates.x
'; 202 ycoords = obj.coordinates.y';
205 height = obj.height*2;
207 obj.display(
' Calculating eigenvalues and wave functions')
208 [eigvecs,eigvals] = eigs(Hscatter,db,Energy);
210 eigvals = diag( eigvals );
211 [eigvals, IX] = sort(eigvals);
212 eigvecs = eigvecs(:,IX);
213 ret =
'Wavefnc', [],
'xcoords', [],
'ycoords', []);
219 obj.display( eigvals)
220 ret.eigenval = eigvals;
222 % reshaping the eigenvectors
223 Wavefnc = cell( size(eigvals ) );
224 for kdx = 1:length(eigvals)
226 eigvec = eigvecs(:,kdx);
227 wavefnc = zeros(size(xcoords));
229 % plotting wavefunction calculated by the faster way
230 sorok = round( (wavefunc_indexes - mod(wavefunc_indexes,M))/M ) + 1;
231 indexes_enrows = logical( mod(wavefunc_indexes,M) == 0 );
232 sorok( indexes_enrows ) = sorok( indexes_enrows ) -1;
235 indexes_in_row = logical( sorok == idx );
236 indexes_in_row = wavefunc_indexes(indexes_in_row) - M*(idx-1);
237 wavefnc(idx, indexes_in_row ) = eigvec( indexek_tmp + (1:length(indexes_in_row) ) );
238 indexek_tmp = indexek_tmp + length(indexes_in_row);
241 Wavefnc{kdx} = wavefnc;
244 ret.eigenval = eigvals;
245 ret.Wavefnc = Wavefnc;
246 ret.xcoords = xcoords;
247 ret.ycoords = ycoords;
255 mkdir( obj.waveFncDirnameFull );
256 mkdir( obj.waveFncDirnameFull, obj.waveFncSubDirname);
257 obj.display(
' Plotting wavefunctions' )
258 for kdx = 1:length(eigvals)
261 figure1 = figure(
262 '0x21 (TrueColor, depth 24, RGB mask 0xff0000 0xff00 0x00ff)',...
263 'Renderer',
264 'Colormap',[1 1 1;0.948412716388702 0.948412716388702 0.948412716388702;0.896825432777405 0.896825432777405 0.896825432777405;0.845238089561462 0.845238089561462 0.845238089561462;0.793650805950165 0.793650805950165 0.793650805950165;0.742063522338867 0.742063522338867 0.742063522338867;0.690476179122925 0.690476179122925 0.690476179122925;0.638888895511627 0.638888895511627 0.638888895511627;0.58730161190033 0.58730161190033 0.58730161190033;0.581477105617523 0.581477105617523 0.581477105617523;0.575652658939362 0.575652658939362 0.575652658939362;0.569828152656555 0.569828152656555 0.569828152656555;0.564003705978394 0.564003705978394 0.564003705978394;0.558179199695587 0.558179199695587 0.558179199695587;0.552354753017426 0.552354753017426 0.552354753017426;0.546530246734619 0.546530246734619 0.546530246734619;0.540705800056458 0.540705800056458 0.540705800056458;0.534881293773651 0.534881293773651 0.534881293773651;0.52905684709549 0.52905684709549 0.52905684709549;0.523232340812683 0.523232340812683 0.523232340812683;0.517407834529877 0.517407834529877 0.517407834529877;0.511583387851715 0.511583387851715 0.511583387851715;0.505758881568909 0.505758881568909 0.505758881568909;0.499934434890747 0.499934434890747 0.499934434890747;0.494109958410263 0.494109958410263 0.494109958410263;0.488285452127457 0.488285452127457 0.488285452127457;0.482460975646973 0.482460975646973 0.482460975646973;0.476636499166489 0.476636499166489 0.476636499166489;0.470812022686005 0.470812022686005 0.470812022686005;0.464987546205521 0.464987546205521 0.464987546205521;0.459163069725037 0.459163069725037 0.459163069725037;0.445249050855637 0.445249050855637 0.445249050855637;0.431335002183914 0.431335002183914 0.431335002183914;0.417420983314514 0.417420983314514 0.417420983314514;0.403506934642792 0.403506934642792 0.403506934642792;0.389592915773392 0.389592915773392 0.389592915773392;0.375678867101669 0.375678867101669 0.375678867101669;0.361764848232269 0.361764848232269 0.361764848232269;0.347850799560547 0.347850799560547 0.347850799560547;0.333936780691147 0.333936780691147 0.333936780691147;0.320022732019424 0.320022732019424 0.320022732019424;0.306108713150024 0.306108713150024 0.306108713150024;0.292194694280624 0.292194694280624 0.292194694280624;0.278280645608902 0.278280645608902 0.278280645608902;0.264366626739502 0.264366626739502 0.264366626739502;0.25045257806778 0.25045257806778 0.25045257806778;0.236538544297218 0.236538544297218 0.236538544297218;0.222624525427818 0.222624525427818 0.222624525427818;0.208710491657257 0.208710491657257 0.208710491657257;0.194796457886696 0.194796457886696 0.194796457886696;0.180882424116135 0.180882424116135 0.180882424116135;0.166968390345573 0.166968390345573 0.166968390345573;0.153054356575012 0.153054356575012 0.153054356575012;0.139140322804451 0.139140322804451 0.139140322804451;0.12522628903389 0.12522628903389 0.12522628903389;0.111312262713909 0.111312262713909 0.111312262713909;0.0973982289433479 0.0973982289433479 0.0973982289433479;0.0834841951727867 0.0834841951727867 0.0834841951727867;0.0695701614022255 0.0695701614022255 0.0695701614022255;0.0556561313569546 0.0556561313569546 0.0556561313569546;0.0417420975863934 0.0417420975863934 0.0417420975863934;0.0278280656784773 0.0278280656784773 0.0278280656784773;0.0139140328392386 0.0139140328392386 0.0139140328392386;0 0 0]);
269 axes1 = axes(
'CLim',[0 0.028]);
272 contourf( xcoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), ycoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), abs(wavefnc(1:delta:end,1:delta:end)), 50,
'Parent', axes1 );
275 text(30,30, [
'E = ', num2str(eigvals(kdx)*1000),
' meV']);
276 set(gcf,
278 filename = ['wavefunc_width',num2str(obj.width),'_height',num2str(obj.height),'_radius',num2str(obj.
280 filename = ['infmass_',filename];
283 filename = ['smoothedge_',filename];
286 filename = ['dot_', filename];
288 print('-depsc2', [obj.waveFncDirnameFull, filesep, obj.waveFncSubDirname,'/',filename]);
300 %----------------------------------------------
303 %----------------------------------
304 %this filters out eigenstates related to bound states to the Hole
306 % disp( ' Filtering out
hole states' )
307 hole_indexes = true(1,length(eigvals));
310 for iidx = 1:length(hole_indexes)
311 if norm(eigvecs(1:M-20,iidx)) > tol
312 hole_indexes(iidx) = false;
316 eigvals = eigvals( hole_indexes );
317 eigvecs = eigvecs(:, hole_indexes );
320 % end nested functions
325 %% create_hole_Hamiltonian
326 %> @brief Creates the Hamiltonian for the
327 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters:
328 %> @
param 'infinitemass' Set true for using the infinite mass boundary condition, or false (default) otherwise.
329 %> @
param 'dotCalc' Set true for a dot, or false (default) otherwise.
330 %> @
param 'smoothedge' Set true for using a smooth edge in the calculations, or false (default) otherwise.
331 %> @return Hscatter The matrix representation of the created Hamiltonian.
332 %> @return wavefunction_indexes The list of the
sites included in the
antidot/dot system.
333 function [Hscatter, wavefunction_indexes] = create_hole_Hamiltonian( obj, varargin )
335 p.addParameter('infinitemass', 0, @isscalar);
336 p.addParameter('dotCalc', 0, @isscalar);
337 p.addParameter('smoothedge', 0, @isscalar);
338 p.parse(varargin{:});
340 infinitemass = p.Results.infinitemass;
341 dotCalc = p.Results.dotCalc;
342 smoothedge = p.Results.smoothedge;
344 obj.CreateHandlesForMagneticField();
347 obj.display(
' Creating the Hamiltonian of a finite ribbon')
348 obj.CreateScatter( );
349 Hscatter = obj.CreateH.Read(
'Hscatter' );
351 obj.display(
' Creating hole in the ribbon ')
355 Hscatter_tmp = Hscatter;
358 Hscatter_tmp = Hscatter;
361 Hscatter_tmp = Hscatter;
366 if isempty(obj.antidot_edge_points)
370 obj.display( ' cutting out
hole points ')
373 for idx = size(obj.antidot_edge_points,1):-1:1
374 indexek_tmp = (obj.antidot_edge_points(idx)-1)*(2*M) + (obj.antidot_edge_points(idx,2) : obj.antidot_edge_points(idx,3));
375 Hscatter( indexek_tmp,: ) = 0;
376 Hscatter( :, indexek_tmp ) = 0;
377 indexes2clear = [indexes2clear, indexek_tmp];
380 indexes2clear_tmp = getHoleSitesFromTheOddRows( indexes2clear );
381 indexes2clear = sort( [ indexes2clear, indexes2clear_tmp]);
385 indexes_tmp = 1:size(Hscatter_tmp,1);
386 indexes_tmp( indexes2clear) = [];
389 wavefunction_indexes = indexes2clear;
390 Hscatter = Hscatter_tmp;
391 Hscatter( indexes_tmp,: ) = [];
392 Hscatter( :, indexes_tmp ) = [];
395 wavefunction_indexes = indexes_tmp;
396 Hscatter( indexes2clear,: ) = [];
397 Hscatter( :, indexes2clear ) = [];
399 wavefunction_indexes = 1:size(Hscatter,1);
404 indexes_tmp = 1:size(Hscatter_tmp,1);
405 indexes_tmp( indexes2clear ) = [];
406 indexes2clear = indexes_tmp;
408 ApplyInfiniteMass( indexes2clear )
409 wavefunction_indexes = 1:size(Hscatter_tmp,1);
412 %----------------------------------------------
415 %-----------------------------------------
416 function ApplyInfiniteMass( indexek)
417 Hscatter = Hscatter_tmp;
419 sorok = round((indexek - mod(indexek,M))/M)+1;
420 indexes_endrows = logical( mod(indexek,M) == 0 );
421 sorok( indexes_endrows ) = sorok( indexes_endrows ) -1;
423 ps_sorok = logical( mod(sorok,2) == 0 );
424 pt_sorok = ~ps_sorok;
426 ps_sorok = indexek( ps_sorok );
427 pt_sorok = indexek( pt_sorok );
429 idx_A = [ ps_sorok( logical( mod(ps_sorok,2) == 0)), pt_sorok( logical( mod(pt_sorok,2) == 1)) ];
430 idx_B = [ ps_sorok( logical( mod(ps_sorok,2) == 1)), pt_sorok( logical( mod(pt_sorok,2) == 0)) ];
432 Hscatter = Hscatter + sparse( idx_A, idx_A, V, size(Hscatter,1), size(Hscatter,2)) + sparse( idx_B, idx_B, -V, size(Hscatter,1), size(Hscatter,2));
438 % ----------------------------------------
439 function indexes2clear = getHoleSitesFromTheOddRows( indexek_tmp )
443 for iidx = 1:length( indexek_tmp )
444 related_indexes = find(Hscatter_tmp(indexek_tmp(iidx),:));
445 sorok = round((related_indexes - mod(related_indexes,M))/M)+1;
446 indexes_endrows = logical( mod(related_indexes,M) == 0 );
447 sorok( indexes_endrows ) = sorok( indexes_endrows ) -1;
449 ps_sorok = logical( mod(sorok,2) == 0);
450 related_indexes = related_indexes( ps_sorok );
452 for iiidx = 1:length(related_indexes)
453 idx_tmp = find(Hscatter(related_indexes(iiidx),:));
454 idx_tmp2 = find( idx_tmp ~= related_indexes(iiidx) );
455 if length( idx_tmp2 ) <= 1;
456 if isempty( find(indexes2clear == related_indexes(iiidx),1) )
457 indexes2clear = [indexes2clear, related_indexes(iiidx)];
467 % end nested functions
473 %> @brief Creates
function handles of the vector potentials and apply the magnetic filed in the ribbon
476 obj.setHandlesForMagneticField('scatter', hLandauy, 'lead', hLandauy );
482 methods ( Access = protected )
485 %> @brief creates
handle for vector potential
488 rCC = obj.rCC*1e-10; %Angstrom
491 eta_B = 2*pi/phi0*(rCC)^2*B;
492 Aconst = 0.1; % constant vektor potential in the systems: stabilizes the numerical computation
494 hLandauy = @(x,y)([zeros(size(x,1),1),eta_B*x]);
502 %> @brief creates geometry data of the
hole in the ribbon
506 obj.display(' Generating geometry in
antidot ')
509 % creating geometry with the
510 obj.convert_site_indexes( )
513 end % methods private
515 methods ( Access = public )
518 %> @brief Determines the
sites that should be cut off from the ribbon in order to create the
519 %> @returns antidot_edge_points A matrix with culomns z (slab index), zpoints_min, zpoints_max (lower and upper bounds of the
sites in the slab z).
520 function antidot_edge_points = getHolePoints( obj )
522 if isempty(obj.Scatter_UC)
523 obj.CreateRibbon('justHamiltonians', true);
526 M = obj.Scatter_UC.Read( 'M' );
528 deltax_ps = 2; % 2n-1 es 2n kozotti tavolsag rCC egysegekben
529 deltax_pt = 1; % 2n es 2n+1 kozotti tavolsag rCC egysegekben
530 deltax = 3; % 2n-1 es 2n+1 kozotti tavolsag rCC egysegekben
533 hole.center = [obj.
hole.center(1)*(deltax_ps+deltax_pt)/2; obj.
536 hole.radius = obj.
538 zmin = round((
hole.center(2) -
hole.radius)/deltay) - 1;
539 zmax = round((
hole.center(2) +
hole.radius)/deltay) + 1;
541 antidot_edge_points = zeros( zmax-zmin, 3);
547 dist = distance_from_center(ztmp, idx );
548 if ( dist<
hole.radius && ~minfound )
553 if ( dist>
hole.radius && minfound )
555 antidot_edge_points(hole_edge_idx,:) = [ztmp, idx_min, idx_max];
556 hole_edge_idx = hole_edge_idx + 1;
563 antidot_edge_points(hole_edge_idx:end,:) = [];
564 obj.antidot_edge_points = antidot_edge_points;
566 %----------------------------------------------
569 %----------------------------------------------
570 function ret = distance_from_center(z, idx )
572 maradek = mod(idx,2);
575 xcoord = (idx-1)/2*deltax;
577 xcoord = (idx-2)/2*deltax + deltax_ps;
581 ret = sqrt( (xcoord-
hole.center(1))^2 + (ycoord -
hole.center(2))^2 );
585 % end nested functions
591 %% create_scatter_GreensFunction
592 %> @brief Calculates the surface Greens
function of the
antidot. Sets the attributes
#gfin and #gfininv to the calculated results. 593 function create_scatter_GreensFunction( obj )
595 obj.Scatter_UC.ApplyOverlapMatrices(obj.E);
596 K0 = obj.Scatter_UC.Read(
597 K1 = obj.Scatter_UC.Read(
598 K1adj = obj.Scatter_UC.Read(
601 if isempty(obj.antidot_edge_points)
605 %> the first two and last two slabs are added manualy at the end
610 obj.G = GreensFuncAtRibbonEnds();
611 antidot_edge_points = obj.antidot_edge_points;
612 scatterer_points = getScattererPoints();
614 if ~isempty( scatterer_points )
615 ghole = GreensFuncAtHoleEdge();
616 [ghopp1, ghopp2] = GreensFuncAtCouplings();
617 obj.G = [obj.G,ghopp1; ghopp2,ghole];
620 if isnan(rcond(obj.G) ) || abs( rcond(obj.G) ) < 1e-15
621 obj.Ginv= obj.inv_SVD( obj.G );
623 obj.Ginv= inv(obj.G);%gfin\eye(size(gfin));%inv(gfin);
628 %applying scattering potentials
629 for ldx = 1:length(obj.
633 obj.Ginv= obj.Ginv( [1+M:3*M,obj.
scatterers.siteindexes+4*M], [1+M:3*M,obj.
scatterers.siteindexes+4*M] );
634 kulso_szabfokok = 1:2*M;
635 obj.Ginv= obj.DecimationFunction( kulso_szabfokok, gfininv);
637 obj.Ginv= obj.Ginv( 1+M:3*M, 1+M:3*M );
640 % adding to the scattering region the first and last slabs
641 Neff = obj.Scatter_UC.Get_Neff();
642 non_singular_sites = obj.Scatter_UC.Read( 'kulso_szabfokok' );
643 if isempty( non_singular_sites )
644 non_singular_sites = 1:Neff;
647 % getting the Hamiltonian for the edge slabs
648 non_singular_sites_edges = [non_singular_sites, size(K0,1)+1:2*size(K0,1)];
649 ginv_edges = -[K0, K1; K1adj, K0];
650 ginv_edges = obj.DecimationFunction( non_singular_sites_edges, ginv_edges );
652 %Ginv = [first_slab, H1, 0;
654 % 0 , H1', last_slab];
656 obj.Ginv = [ginv_edges(1:Neff,1:Neff), [ginv_edges(1:Neff, Neff+non_singular_sites), zeros(Neff, Neff+size(K0,2))]; ...
657 [ginv_edges(Neff+non_singular_sites, 1:Neff); zeros(Neff, Neff)], obj.Ginv, [zeros(Neff, size(ginv_edges,2)-Neff); ginv_edges(1:Neff, Neff+1:end)]; ...
658 [zeros(size(K0,2),2*Neff), ginv_edges(Neff+1:end, 1:Neff)], ginv_edges(Neff+1:end, Neff+1:end)];
660 [rows, cols] = find( K1 );
661 rows = unique(rows); % cols identical to non_singular_sites
663 %non_singular_sites_Ginv = [1:length(non_singular_sites), size(obj.Ginv,1)-size(K0,1)+1:size(obj.Ginv,1)];
664 non_singular_sites_Ginv = [1:length(non_singular_sites), size(obj.Ginv,1)-size(K0,1)+reshape(rows, 1, length(rows))];
665 obj.Ginv = obj.DecimationFunction( non_singular_sites_Ginv, obj.Ginv );
667 % apply gauge transformation if given
668 coordinates_scatter = obj.getCoordinates();
671 % gauge transformation on Green's
function 672 if ~isempty(obj.Ginv) && ~isempty(obj.PeierlsTransform_Scatter) && isempty(obj.q)
673 % gauge transformation on the inverse Green's
function 674 obj.Ginv= obj.PeierlsTransform_Scatter.gaugeTransformation( obj.Ginv, coordinates_scatter, obj.
gauge_field );
677 err = MException('
Ribbon:CalcFiniteGreensFunction', 'Unable to perform gauge transformation');
678 err = addCause(err, errCause);
679 save('Error_Ribbon_CalcFiniteGreensFunction.mat')
684 %----------------------------------------------
688 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
689 % get
sites of
hole and scatterer that should be obtained in the Green's
function 690 function scatterer_points = getScattererPoints()
692 scatterer_points = cell(size(antidot_edge_points,1),3);
694 if ~isempty(antidot_edge_points)
695 point_num_down = antidot_edge_points(1,3)-antidot_edge_points(1,2) + 1;
696 point_num_up = antidot_edge_points(end,3)-antidot_edge_points(end,2) + 1;
699 for idx = 1:size( antidot_edge_points,1 )
700 ztmp = antidot_edge_points( idx );
703 zpoints = antidot_edge_points(idx,2):antidot_edge_points(idx,3);
704 indexek = 1:point_num_down;
705 elseif idx == size(antidot_edge_points,1)
706 zpoints = antidot_edge_points(idx,2):antidot_edge_points(idx,3);
707 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+point_num_up;
709 if antidot_edge_points(idx,2) + 6 < antidot_edge_points(idx,3)
710 zpoints = [antidot_edge_points(idx,2),antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+1,antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+2,antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+3,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-3,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-2,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)];
711 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+8;
712 elseif antidot_edge_points(idx,2) + 5 < antidot_edge_points(idx,3)
713 zpoints = [antidot_edge_points(idx,2),antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+1,antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+2,antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+3,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-2,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)];
714 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+7;
715 elseif antidot_edge_points(idx,2) + 4 < antidot_edge_points(idx,3)
716 zpoints = [antidot_edge_points(idx,2),antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+1,antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+2,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-2,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)];
717 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+6;
718 elseif antidot_edge_points(idx,2) + 3 < antidot_edge_points(idx,3)
719 zpoints = [antidot_edge_points(idx,2),antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+1,antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+2,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)];
720 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+5;
721 elseif antidot_edge_points(idx,2) + 2 < antidot_edge_points(idx,3)
722 zpoints = [antidot_edge_points(idx,2),antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)];
723 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+4;
724 elseif antidot_edge_points(idx,2) + 1 < antidot_edge_points(idx,3)
725 zpoints = [antidot_edge_points(idx,2),antidot_edge_points(idx,2)+1,antidot_edge_points(idx,3)];
726 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+3;
728 zpoints = antidot_edge_points(idx,2:3);
729 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+2;
734 scatterer_points{idx,1} = antidot_edge_points(idx,1);
735 scatterer_points{idx,2} = zpoints;
736 scatterer_points{idx,3} = ones(size(zpoints)); %1
for hole edge points, 0 otherwise
741 z = antidot_edge_points(:,1);
743 for idx = 1:length( obj.scatterers.z )
744 index = find( z == round(obj.
scatterers.z(idx)/2),1 );
746 is_hole_edge = 0; %1 for
hole edge points, 0 otherwise
747 scatterer_points = [scatterer_points; {round(obj.scatterers.z(idx)/2), obj.scatterers.zpoints(idx), is_hole_edge} ];
748 z = [z; round(obj.scatterers.z(idx)/2)];
750 scatterer_points{index,2} = [scatterer_points{index,2}, obj.scatterers.zpoints(idx)];
751 is_hole_edge = 0; %1
for hole edge points, 0 otherwise
752 scatterer_points{index,3} = [scatterer_points{index,3}, is_hole_edge];
756 getScattererSiteIndexes();
760 %-----------------------------------------------------------
761 function getScattererSiteIndexes()
766 for iidx = 1:size(scatterer_points,1)
768 scatterer_idx = find( scatterer_points{iidx,3}==0 );
769 if ~isempty( scatterer_idx )
770 obj.scatterers.
siteindexes(kkdx+1:kkdx+length(scatterer_idx) ) = index_sum + scatterer_idx;
771 kkdx = kkdx + length(scatterer_idx);
773 index_sum = index_sum + length(scatterer_points{iidx,3});
781 %-------------------------------------------------
782 % calculate the Greens
function for the
hole edge points
783 function ghole = GreensFuncAtHoleEdge( )
786 for idx = 1:size(scatterer_points,1)
787 point_num = point_num + length(scatterer_points{idx,2});
790 ghole = zeros(point_num,point_num);
792 for idx = 1:size( scatterer_points,1 )
793 z1tmp = scatterer_points{idx,1};
794 z1points = scatterer_points{idx,2};
795 indexek1 = max(indexek1)+1:max(indexek1)+length(z1points);
798 for jdx = 1:size( scatterer_points,1 )
799 z2tmp = scatterer_points{jdx,1};
800 z2points = scatterer_points{jdx,2};
801 indexek2 = max(indexek2)+1:max(indexek2)+length(z2points);
804 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1tmp, z2tmp,
'z1points', z1points,
'z2points', z2points);
806 ghole(indexek1, indexek2) = gtmp;
810 ghole(max(indexek1)+1:end,:) = [];
811 ghole(:,max(indexek2)+1:end) = [];
816 %-------------------------------------------------
817 % calculate the Greens
function between the ribbon and points and
hole edge
818 function [ghopp1, ghopp2] = GreensFuncAtCouplings()
821 point_num = size( ghole,1 );
822 M = obj.Scatter_UC.Read( 'M' );
823 ghopp1 = zeros(4*M,point_num);
824 ghopp2 = zeros(point_num,4*M);
827 for idx = 1:size( scatterer_points,1 )
828 ztmp = scatterer_points{idx,1};
829 zpoints = scatterer_points{idx,2};
830 indexek = max(indexek)+1:max(indexek)+length(zpoints);
832 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1-1, ztmp,
'z2points', zpoints);
833 ghopp1(1:M, indexek) = gtmp;
835 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1, ztmp,
'z2points', zpoints);
836 ghopp1(1+M:2*M, indexek) = gtmp;
838 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z2, ztmp,
'z2points', zpoints);
839 ghopp1(1+2*M:3*M, indexek) = gtmp;
841 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z2+1, ztmp,
'z2points', zpoints);
842 ghopp1(1+3*M:4*M, indexek) = gtmp;
847 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction( ztmp, z1-1,
'z1points', zpoints);
848 ghopp2(indexek,1:M) = gtmp;
850 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction( ztmp, z1,
'z1points', zpoints);
851 ghopp2(indexek,1+M:2*M) = gtmp;
853 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction( ztmp, z2,
'z1points', zpoints);
854 ghopp2(indexek,1+2*M:3*M) = gtmp;
856 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction( ztmp, z2+1,
'z1points', zpoints);
857 ghopp2(indexek,1+3*M:4*M) = gtmp;
863 %-------------------------------------------------
864 function gfin = GreensFuncAtRibbonEnds()
866 M = obj.Scatter_UC.Read('M');
867 gfin = zeros(4*M,4*M);
869 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1-1, z1-1);
870 gfin(1:M,1:M) = gtmp;
871 gfin(1+M:2*M, 1+M:2*M) = gtmp;
872 gfin(1+2*M:3*M, 1+2*M:3*M) = gtmp;
873 gfin(1+3*M:4*M, 1+3*M:4*M) = gtmp;
875 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1-1, z1);
876 gfin(1:M,1+M:2*M) = gtmp;
877 gfin(1+2*M:3*M,1+3*M:4*M) = gtmp;
879 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1, z1-1);
880 gfin(1+M:2*M,1:M) = gtmp;
881 gfin(1+3*M:4*M, 1+2*M:3*M) = gtmp;
883 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1-1, z2);
884 gfin(1:M,1+2*M:3*M) = gtmp;
886 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z2, z1-1);
887 gfin(1+2*M:3*M,1:M) = gtmp;
889 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1-1, z2+1);
890 gfin(1:M,1+3*M:4*M) = gtmp;
892 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z2+1, z1-1);
893 gfin(1+3*M:4*M,1:M) = gtmp;
895 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1, z2);
896 gfin(1+M:2*M,1+2*M:3*M) = gtmp;
898 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z2, z1);
899 gfin(1+2*M:3*M,1+M:2*M) = gtmp;
901 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z1, z2+1);
902 gfin(1+M:2*M,1+3*M:4*M) = gtmp;
904 gtmp = obj.Scatter_UC.InfGreenFunction(z2+1, z1);
905 gfin(1+3*M:4*M,1+M:2*M) = gtmp;
909 % end nested functions
918 methods ( Access = private )
920 %% convert_site_indexes
921 %> @brief Converets site indexes into coordinates
922 function convert_site_indexes( obj )
924 xcoord = zeros( obj.width, obj.height*2 );
925 ycoord = zeros( obj.width, obj.height*2 );
932 radius = obj.
934 obj.flux_of_hole = pi*radius^2*(obj.rCC*1e-10)^2*obj.B/(obj.h/obj.qe);
939 for idx = 1:obj.width
940 for jdx = 1:obj.height*2
942 if mod(idx+jdx,2) == 0 % A atom
943 r =
double(idx-1)/2*rA1 +
945 r =
double(idx)/2*rA1 +
double(jdx-1)/2*rA2 + rB;
948 xcoord(idx,jdx) = r(1);
949 ycoord(idx,jdx) = r(2);
955 %center = obj.
hole.center(1)/2*rA1 + obj.
956 %obj.coordinates.outhole = logical( (xcoord - center(1)).^2 + (ycoord - center(2)).^2 >= radius^2 );
958 obj.coordinates.x = xcoord*obj.rCC;
959 obj.coordinates.y = ycoord*obj.rCC;
966 end % methods private
968 methods ( Access = protected )
971 %> @brief Parses the optional parameters for the class constructor.
972 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters:
973 %> @
param 'width' Integer. The number of the atomic
sites in the cross section of the ribbon.
974 %> @
param 'height' Integer. The height of the ribbon in units of the lattice vector.
975 %> @
param 'filenameIn' Input filename for the xml input structure.
976 %> @
param 'filenameOut' Output filename for the xml input structure.
977 %> @
param 'WorkingDir' The absolute path to the working directoy.
978 %> @
param 'E' The energy value used in the calculations (in the same units as the Hamiltonian).
979 %> @
param 'EF' The Fermi energy in the same units as the Hamiltonian. (overrides the one comming from the external source)
980 %> @
param 'silent' Set true for suppress the output messages.
981 %> @
param 'transversepotential' A
function handle pot=f(
#coordinates coords) to calculate the transverse potential in the cross section of the ribbon. 982 %> @
param 'leadmodel' A
function handle #
Lead clead=f( idx, E, varargin ) of the alternative lead model with equivalent inputs and
return values as
class #
Lead and with
E standing for the energy.
983 %> @
param 'interfacemodel' A
function handle f( #
InterfaceRegion ) to manually adjus the
interface regions. (Usefull when 'leadmodel' is also given.)
984 %> @
param 'Opt' An instance of the structure #
Opt. (Overrides data in the input file
if given)
985 %> @
param 'param' An instance of the structure #
param. (Overrides data in the input file
if given)
986 %> @
param 'q' The transverse momentum quantum number.
987 %> @
param 'B' The strength of the magnetic field in the units of Tesla.
988 %> @
param 'hole' An instance of structure #
990 %> @
param 'radius' The radius of the
hole in units of lattice constant.
991 %> @
param 'rCC' The atomic distance.
992 function InputParsing(obj, varargin)
995 p.addParameter(
'width', obj.width);
996 p.addParameter(
'height', obj.height);
997 p.addParameter(
'filenameIn', [pwd, filesep,
998 p.addParameter(
'filenameOut', [pwd, filesep,
999 p.addParameter(
'WorkingDir', pwd);
1000 p.addParameter(
'E', obj.E);
1001 p.addParameter(
'EF', obj.EF);
1002 p.addParameter(
'silent', obj.silent);
1003 p.addParameter(
'transversepotential', obj.transversepotential);
1004 p.addParameter(
'leadmodel', obj.leadmodel); %individual physical model
for the contacts
1005 p.addParameter(
'interfacemodel', obj.interfacemodel); %individual physical model
for the
interface regions
1006 p.addParameter('
Opt', []);
1007 p.addParameter(
'param', []);
1008 p.addParameter(
'q', []);
1010 p.addParameter(
'B', obj.B);
1011 p.addParameter(
'hole', obj.hole);
1012 p.addParameter(
'scatterers', obj.scatterers);
1013 p.addParameter(
'radius', 0);
1014 p.addParameter(
'rCC', 1.42);
1016 p.parse(varargin{:});
1018 InputParsing@
Ribbon( obj,
'width', p.Results.width, ...
1019 'height', p.Results.height, ...
1020 'filenameIn', p.Results.filenameIn, ...
1021 'filenameOut', p.Results.filenameOut, ...
1022 'WorkingDir', p.Results.WorkingDir, ...
1023 'E', p.Results.E, ...
1024 'EF', p.Results.EF, ...
1025 'silent', p.Results.silent, ...
1026 'transversepotential', p.Results.transversepotential, ...
1027 'leadmodel', p.Results.leadmodel, ...
1028 'interfacemodel', p.Results.interfacemodel, ...
1029 'Opt', p.Results.Opt, ...
1030 'param', p.Results.param, ...
1034 obj.B = p.Results.B;
1035 obj.hole = p.Results.hole;
1036 obj.scatterers = p.Results.scatterers;
1037 obj.rCC = p.Results.rCC;
1039 if p.Results.radius > 0
1040 obj.hole.radius = p.Results.radius;
1043 obj.waveFncDirnameFull = [pwd, filesep,
1044 obj.waveFncSubDirname = [
1051 end % methos
protected Structure hole contains the data about the antidot used in class antidot.
A vector of the site indexes.
Structure Opt contains the basic computational parameters used in EQuUs.
A class for calculations on a ribbon of finite width for equilibrium calculations mostly in the zero ...
function Transport(Energy, B)
Calculates the conductance at a given energy value.
function createVectorPotential(B)
Creates the function handles of the magnetic vector potentials and the gauge field.
function Hamiltonians(varargin)
Function to create the custom Hamiltonians for the 1D chain.
A class to perform transport calculations on a graphene antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon)....
function createOutput(filename, Opt, param)
This function creates an output file containing the running parameters.
Structure scatterers contains data on the scattering impurities used in class antidot.
function CreateHandlesForMagneticField(B)
Creates and set function handles of the magnetic vector potentials in the Ribbon class.
A class describing the interface region between the scattering region and a lead.
A class to calculate the Green functions and self energies of a translational invariant lead The nota...
Property a1
A lattice vector in the hexagonal lattice.
Structure param contains data structures describing the physical parameters of the scattering center ...
Structure sites contains data to identify the individual sites in a matrix.
function CreateRibbon(varargin)
apply magnetic field in scatter for finite q
function gauge_field(x, y, eta_B, Aconst, height, lattice_constant)
Scalar gauge field connecting Landaux and Landauy gauges.
Property E
The energy value for which the TrukkosSajatertekek eigenvalue problem was solved.
function structures(name)