1 % Magnetic transport through a quantum
antidot 2 % Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Rakyta, Ph.D.
4 % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 % (at your option) any later version.
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License
for more details.
14 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 % along with
this program. If not, see http:
17 %> @addtogroup Examples
20 %> @brief Calculates the conductance through a graphene
antidot in a homogeneous magnetic field.
21 %> @
param filenum The identification number of the filenema
for the exported data (
default is 1).
23 %> EQuUs v4.7 or later
29 %> @brief Calculates the conductance through a graphene
antidot in a homogeneous magnetic field.
30 %> @
param filenum The identification number of the filenema
for the exported data (
default is 1).
33 if ~exist(
37 filename = mfilename('fullpath');
38 [directory, fncname] = fileparts( filename );
40 % The width of the graphene strip
42 % The length of the graphene strip
44 % The center and radius of the
antidot 45 hole = struct( 'center', [width/2 height/2], 'radius', 90);
46 % Magnetic field in Tesla
48 % outfilename of the calculated data
49 outfilename = [fncname, '_',num2str( filenum )];
50 % the output directory
55 % setting the output directory
59 transport_calculations_finished = false;
62 % creating the scattering disorders in the lattice
63 points = round([27 195 27 195]);
64 scatterers.zpoints = round(points + rand(size(points))*5);
65 scatterers.z = round( ones(size(points))*height + [-30 -30 30 30] + rand(size(points))*5);
70 % the calculated spectrum of the lead
71 spectrum = []; % calculated spectrum of the
76 % An instance of structure coordinates storing the coordinates of the
antidot 78 % edge siteindexes of the
antidot 79 antidot_edge_points = [];
81 antidot_eigenenergies = [];
83 % creating an array of energies (in eV) to be used in the transport calculations
87 Evec = Emin:(Emax-Emin)/Enum:Emax;
88 Enum = length(Evec)-1;
90 % An array storing the calculated conductances calculated conductance
91 Conductance = zeros(Enum+1,1);
92 % An array storing the error of the unitarity
93 DeltaC = zeros(Enum+1,1);
96 % setting the output directory
98 % calculate the conductances
101 % plot the calculated data
104 % exporting the calculated data
105 save( [outputdir, filesep, [outfilename, '.mat']] );
108 %> @brief Calculates the conductance
111 % creating an instance of
antidot class
113 % creates vector potential handles predefinied in class
antidot (This method is obsolete, functions describing the vector potential should be placed inside the present file)
119 disp(' ----------------------------------')
120 disp('Plotting geometry and spectrum of leads:')
121 coordinates = cAntidot.coordinates;
123 % calculate spectrum of the lead
124 cAntidot.setEnergy( Evec(1) )
125 cAntidot.CreateRibbon( 'justHamiltonians', true );
127 cAntidot.getHolePoints();
128 antidot_edge_points = cAntidot.antidot_edge_points;
134 disp(' ----------------------------------')
135 disp('Calculating Conductance for the given magnetic field')
138 % calculating the conductances as a
function of the energy
139 for idx = 1:length(Evec)
141 [C, ~,DeltaC_tmp] = cAntidot.
Transport( Evec(idx) );
144 Conductance(idx) = C;
145 DeltaC(idx) = DeltaC_tmp;
147 % exporting the calculated data
148 save( [outputdir, filesep, [outfilename, '.mat']] );
150 % displaying the status of the caclutaions
151 disp([ num2str(idx/length(Evec)*100),' % calculated of the conductance.'])
154 % plot the results at every energy point
160 transport_calculations_finished = true;
168 %> @brief calculates the spectrum of the leads
171 % Calculate the cyclotron frequency
172 rCC = cAntidot.rCC*1e-10; %Angstrom
173 phi0 = cAntidot.h/cAntidot.qe; % magnetic flux quantum
174 eta_B = 2*pi/phi0*(rCC)^2*cAntidot.B;
175 homega = 2.97*sqrt(9/2*eta_B);
177 %Minimal and maximal value of the selected k points
180 % number of 1D k points
182 spectrum = cAntidot.Scatter_UC.CalcSpektrum( 'toPlot', 0, 'ka_min', kmin, 'ka_max', kmax, 'ka_num', knum );
188 %> @brief Hamiltonian for the secular equation
191 H = H0 + H1*exp(1i*k) + H1'*exp(-1i*k);
197 %> @brief sets output directory
199 resultsdir = 'results';
201 outputdir = [ resultsdir ];
207 %> @brief Creates the plot
210 % creating figure in units of pixels
211 if ~transport_calculations_finished
212 figure1 = figure( 'Units', 'Pixels', 'Visible', 'off' );
214 figure1 = figure( 'Units', 'Pixels','Renderer','painters', 'Visible', 'off',...
215 'Colormap',[1 1 0.994791686534882;0.954365074634552 0.954365074634552 0.932043671607971;0.908730149269104 0.908730149269104 0.869295656681061;0.863095223903656 0.863095223903656 0.80654764175415;0.817460358142853 0.817460358142853 0.74379962682724;0.771825432777405 0.771825432777405 0.68105161190033;0.726190507411957 0.726190507411957 0.618303596973419;0.680555582046509 0.680555582046509 0.555555582046509;0.643518567085266 0.629629671573639 0.518518567085266;0.606481492519379 0.578703701496124 0.481481492519379;0.569444477558136 0.527777791023254 0.444444477558136;0.532407402992249 0.476851880550385 0.407407432794571;0.495370388031006 0.425925940275192 0.370370388031006;0.458333343267441 0.375 0.333333343267441;0.421296298503876 0.32407408952713 0.296296298503876;0.384259253740311 0.273148149251938 0.259259253740311;0.347222208976746 0.222222223877907 0.222222223877907;0.33983451128006 0.217494085431099 0.217494085431099;0.332446783781052 0.212765961885452 0.212765961885452;0.325059086084366 0.208037823438644 0.208037823438644;0.31767138838768 0.203309699892998 0.203309699892998;0.310283690690994 0.19858156144619 0.19858156144619;0.302895963191986 0.193853422999382 0.193853422999382;0.2955082654953 0.189125299453735 0.189125299453735;0.288120567798615 0.184397161006927 0.184397161006927;0.280732840299606 0.179669037461281 0.179669037461281;0.273345142602921 0.174940899014473 0.174940899014473;0.265957444906235 0.170212760567665 0.170212760567665;0.258569717407227 0.165484637022018 0.165484637022018;0.251182019710541 0.160756498575211 0.160756498575211;0.243794322013855 0.156028375029564 0.156028375029564;0.236406609416008 0.151300236582756 0.151300236582756;0.229018896818161 0.146572098135948 0.146572098135948;0.221631199121475 0.141843974590302 0.141843974590302;0.214243486523628 0.137115836143494 0.137115836143494;0.206855788826942 0.132387712597847 0.132387712597847;0.199468076229095 0.127659574151039 0.127659574151039;0.192080363631248 0.122931443154812 0.122931443154812;0.184692665934563 0.118203312158585 0.118203312158585;0.177304953336716 0.113475181162357 0.113475181162357;0.16991725564003 0.108747042715549 0.108747042715549;0.162529543042183 0.104018911719322 0.104018911719322;0.155141845345497 0.0992907807230949 0.0992907807230949;0.14775413274765 0.0945626497268677 0.0945626497268677;0.140366420149803 0.0898345187306404 0.0898345187306404;0.132978722453117 0.0851063802838326 0.0851063802838326;0.12559100985527 0.0803782492876053 0.0803782492876053;0.118203304708004 0.075650118291378 0.075650118291378;0.110815599560738 0.0709219872951508 0.0709219872951508;0.103427894413471 0.0661938562989235 0.0661938562989235;0.0960401818156242 0.0614657215774059 0.0614657215774059;0.0886524766683578 0.0567375905811787 0.0567375905811787;0.0812647715210915 0.0520094558596611 0.0520094558596611;0.0738770663738251 0.0472813248634338 0.0472813248634338;0.0664893612265587 0.0425531901419163 0.0425531901419163;0.059101652354002 0.037825059145689 0.037825059145689;0.0517139472067356 0.0330969281494617 0.0330969281494617;0.0443262383341789 0.0283687952905893 0.0283687952905893;0.0369385331869125 0.0236406624317169 0.0236406624317169;0.029550826177001 0.0189125295728445 0.0189125295728445;0.0221631191670895 0.0141843976452947 0.0141843976452947;0.0147754130885005 0.00945626478642225 0.00945626478642225;0.00738770654425025 0.00472813239321113 0.00472813239321113;0 0 0]);
218 % font size on the figure will be 16 points
222 %************** geometry **********************
224 % creating axes of the plot
225 deltax_ps = 2; % 2n-1 es 2n kozotti tavolsag rCC egysegekben
226 deltax_pt = 1; % 2n es 2n+1 kozotti tavolsag rCC egysegekben
227 deltax = 3; % 2n-1 es 2n+1 kozotti tavolsag rCC egysegekben
230 rightside = width/2*deltax*cAntidot.rCC;
231 top = height*deltay*cAntidot.rCC;
234 axes_geo = axes('Parent',figure1, ...
237 'FontSize', fontsize,...
240 'Units', 'Pixels', ...
241 'FontName','Times New Roman');
248 if ( ~transport_calculations_finished ) || (usejava('jvm') && ~feature('ShowFigureWindows'))
249 for idx = 1:size(antidot_edge_points,1)
250 ycoord = deltay*antidot_edge_points(idx,1)*ones(2,1)*cAntidot.rCC;
253 if mod(antidot_edge_points(idx,2),2) == 0
254 xcoord(1) = (antidot_edge_points(idx,2)-2)/2*deltax + deltax_ps;
256 xcoord(1) = (antidot_edge_points(idx,2)-1)/2*deltax;
259 if mod(antidot_edge_points(idx,2),3) == 0
260 xcoord(2) = (antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-2)/2*deltax + deltax_ps;
262 xcoord(2) = (antidot_edge_points(idx,3)-1)/2*deltax;
264 xcoord = xcoord*cAntidot.rCC;
265 plot(xcoord, ycoord,'+','MarkerSize', 4, 'Parent', axes_geo )
271 if isempty(hole_wavefnc)
273 hole_wavefnc = cAntidot.CalcWavefnc( Energy, 1, 'toPlot', 0, 'filterHole', 1, 'db', 1, 'infinitemass', 0, 'dotCalc', 0 );
277 Wavefnc = hole_wavefnc.Wavefnc{1};
278 contourf( hole_wavefnc.xcoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), hole_wavefnc.ycoords(1:delta:end,1:delta:end), abs(Wavefnc(1:delta:end,1:delta:end)), ...
279 levels,
'Parent', axes_geo );
280 text(30,80, [
'E = ', num2str(hole_wavefnc.eigenval*1000,3),
' meV'],
'color', [0,0,0],
'FontSize', fontsize,
'Times New Roman',
'Parent', axes_geo);
283 % plot the position of the leads
284 plot([0,0], [0,top],
'LineWidth', 4,
'color', [0 0 0],
'Parent', axes_geo )
285 plot([rightside,rightside], [0,top],
'LineWidth', 4,
'color', [0 0 0],
'Parent', axes_geo )
287 % plot scattering centers
301 marker, 'MarkerSize', markersize, 'Parent', axes_geo )
306 ylabel('y [A]','FontSize', fontsize,'FontName','Times New Roman', 'Parent', axes_geo);
308 Lead1_pos = [ mean(coordinates.x(:,1)), min(coordinates.y(1,:))+20];
309 text(Lead1_pos(1), Lead1_pos(2), ['
Lead'], 'FontSize', fontsize, 'FontName','Times New Roman', 'Parent', axes_geo);
311 Lead2_pos = [ mean(coordinates.x(:,1)), max(coordinates.y(1,:))-20];
312 text(Lead2_pos(1), Lead2_pos(2), ['
Lead'], 'FontSize', fontsize, 'FontName','Times New Roman', 'Parent', axes_geo);
315 %************** sepctrum in the lead **********************
316 x_lim = [min(spectrum(:,1)) max(spectrum(:,1))]/sqrt(3);
317 y_lim = [min(spectrum(:,2));max(spectrum(:,2))]*0.8;
321 % creating axes of the plot
322 axes_spectrum = axes('Parent',figure1, ...
324 'FontSize', fontsize,...
328 'Units', 'Pixels', ...
329 'FontName','Times New Roman');
332 Kpoint = 2*pi/3/sqrt(3);
333 Kpoint_pos = [Kpoint+0.005, 0.8*y_lim(2)];
334 plot(spectrum(:,1)/sqrt(3), spectrum(:,2),'.', 'MarkerSize', 4, 'Parent', axes_spectrum )
335 plot(Kpoint*ones(2,1), [min(spectrum(:,2));max(spectrum(:,2))], 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color', [0 0 0], 'Parent', axes_spectrum )
336 text(Kpoint_pos(1), Kpoint_pos(2), 'K', 'FontSize', fontsize, 'FontName','Times New Roman', 'Parent', axes_spectrum);
339 xlabel('k_yr_{CC}
', fontsize,'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_spectrum); 342 ylabel('E [eV]
', fontsize,'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_spectrum); 345 Position_Textbox = [0.47 0.51 0.244 0.1274]; 346 annotation(figure1,'textbox
',Position_Textbox,... 347 'String
',{['$$\hbar\omega =
',num2str(homega,'% 10.3f
' ),'$$eV
']},... 348 'FontSize
',fontsize,... 349 'FontName
','Times New Roman
',... 350 'interpreter
', 'latex
', ... 355 %************** Wavefunction in the lead ********************** 356 % wave functionis calculated at a specific k point 357 specific_k = 1.25*sqrt(3); 359 % create the effective Hamiltonian 360 cAntidot.setEnergy(0); 361 Surface_temp = cAntidot.Scatter_UC; 362 H0 = Surface_temp.Read( 'H0
' ); 363 H1 = Surface_temp.Read( 'H1
' ); 364 H0 = H0 - eye(size(H0))*mean(diag(H0)); 365 H = secular_H(H0,H1,specific_k); 366 [waveFnc,E] = eigs(H,10,0.001); 369 x_lim = get(axes_geo,'xlim
'); 372 axes_wavefnc = axes('Parent
',figure1,... 374 'FontSize
', fontsize,... 377 'Units
', 'Pixels
', ... 378 'FontName
','Times New Roman
'); 381 square_Wavefnc = abs(waveFnc(1:length(coordinates.x(:,1)),chosen_idx)).^2; 382 plot(coordinates.x(:,1), square_Wavefnc, 'MarkerSize
', 4, 'Parent
', axes_wavefnc) 385 cylabel = ylabel('|\Psi|^2
', fontsize,'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_wavefnc); 388 xlabel('x [A]
', fontsize,'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_wavefnc); 390 chosen_k_pos = [ max(coordinates.x(:,1))*0.05, max(square_Wavefnc)*0.95]; 391 text(chosen_k_pos(1), chosen_k_pos(2), ['k_yr_{CC} =
',num2str(specific_k/sqrt(3),'% 10.2f
')], 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_wavefnc); 392 E_pos = [ max(coordinates.x(:,1))*0.05, max(square_Wavefnc)*0.8]; 393 text(E_pos(1), E_pos(2), ['E =
',num2str(E(chosen_idx),'% 10.2f
'),' eV
'], 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_wavefnc); 394 B_pos = [ max(coordinates.x(:,1))*0.05, max(square_Wavefnc)*0.65]; 395 text(B_pos(1), B_pos(2), ['B =
',num2str(B,'% 10.2f
'),' T
'], 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_wavefnc); 400 %************** Conductance ********************** 401 x_lim = [ min(Evec) max(Evec) ]; 402 axes_cond = axes('Parent
',figure1,... 404 'FontSize
', fontsize,... 407 'Units
', 'Pixels
', ... 408 'FontName
','Times New Roman
'); 412 indexek = logical( abs(DeltaC) <= 0.5 ); 414 numerics = plot(Evec(indexek), Conductance(indexek), 'Linewidth
', 2, 'color
', [0 0 0], 'Parent
', axes_cond); 416 plot(Evec(indexek), DeltaC(indexek), 'Linewidth
', 1, 'color
', [0 1 0], 'Parent
', axes_cond); 418 disp('No DeltaC data present
') 421 if ~isempty( antidot_eigenenergies ) 422 y_lim = [0 0.9];%[0 max(Conductance(indexek)) ]; 423 for idx = 1:length(antidot_eigenenergies) 424 plot( ones(1,2)*antidot_eigenenergies(idx), y_lim, 'Linewidth
', 1, 'color
', [1 0 0], 'Parent
', axes_cond); 431 xlabel('E [eV]
', fontsize,'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_cond); 434 ylabel('\sigma/\sigma_0
', fontsize,'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_cond); 436 E_pos = [ max(Evec)*0.5, max(Conductance(indexek))*0.35]; 437 text(E_pos(1), E_pos(2), ['B =
',num2str(B,'% 10.2f
'),' T
'], 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_cond); 438 E_pos = [ max(Evec)*0.5, max(Conductance(indexek))*0.15]; 439 text(E_pos(1), E_pos(2), ['\phi/\phi_0 =
',num2str(cAntidot.flux_of_hole,3)], 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
','Times New Roman
', 'Parent
', axes_cond); 441 fig_legend = legend(axes_cond, {'conductance
', 'unitarity error
'});%, 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
','Times New Roman
') 442 set(fig_legend, 'FontSize
', fontsize, 'FontName
', 'Times New Roman
', 'Box
', 'off
', 'Location
', 'NorthEast
') 444 % setting the position and margins of the plot, removing white 445 figure_pos = get( figure1, 'Position
'); 447 %set the position of the geometry axis 448 OuterPosition_geo = get(axes_geo, 'OuterPosition
'); 449 OuterPosition_geo(1) = 0; 450 OuterPosition_geo(2) = figure_pos(4)/2; 451 OuterPosition_geo(3) = figure_pos(3)/2; 452 OuterPosition_geo(4) = figure_pos(4)/2; 453 set(axes_geo, 'OuterPosition
', OuterPosition_geo); 454 % Position_geo = get(axes_geo, 'OuterPosition
') - get(axes_geo, 'TightInset
') * [-1 0 1 0; 0 -1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; 455 % set(axes_geo, 'Position
', Position_geo); 457 %set the position of the spectrum axis 458 OuterPosition_spectrum = get(axes_spectrum, 'OuterPosition
'); 459 OuterPosition_spectrum(1) = figure_pos(3)/2; 460 OuterPosition_spectrum(2) = figure_pos(4)/2; 461 OuterPosition_spectrum(3) = figure_pos(3)/2; 462 OuterPosition_spectrum(4) = figure_pos(4)/2; 463 set(axes_spectrum, 'OuterPosition
', OuterPosition_spectrum); 464 % Position_spectrum = get(axes_spectrum, 'OuterPosition
') - get(axes_spectrum, 'TightInset
') * [-1 0 1 0; 0 -1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; 465 % set(axes_spectrum, 'Position
', Position_spectrum); 467 %set the position of the wavefnc axis 468 OuterPosition_wavefnc = get(axes_wavefnc, 'OuterPosition
'); 469 OuterPosition_wavefnc(1) = 0; 470 OuterPosition_wavefnc(2) = 0; 471 OuterPosition_wavefnc(3) = figure_pos(3)/2; 472 OuterPosition_wavefnc(4) = figure_pos(4)/2; 473 set(axes_wavefnc, 'OuterPosition
', OuterPosition_wavefnc); 474 % Position_wavefnc = get(axes_wavefnc, 'OuterPosition
') - get(axes_wavefnc, 'TightInset
') * [-1 0 1 0; 0 -1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; 475 % Position_wavefnc(1) = Position_geo(1); 476 % Position_wavefnc(3) = Position_geo(3); 477 % set(axes_wavefnc, 'Position
', Position_wavefnc); 479 %set the position of the conductance axis 480 OuterPosition_cond = get(axes_cond, 'OuterPosition
'); 481 OuterPosition_cond(1) = figure_pos(3)/2; 482 OuterPosition_cond(2) = 0; 483 OuterPosition_cond(3) = figure_pos(3)/2; 484 OuterPosition_cond(4) = figure_pos(4)/2; 485 set(axes_cond, 'OuterPosition
', OuterPosition_cond); 486 % Position_cond = get(axes_cond, 'OuterPosition
') - get(axes_cond, 'TightInset
') * [-1 0 1 0; 0 -1 0 1; 0 0 1 0; 0 0 0 1]; 487 % set(axes_cond, 'Position
', Position_cond); 490 % setting the position and margins of the plot, removing white spaces 491 ver = version('-release
'); 492 if str2num(ver(1:4)) >= 2016 493 figure1.PaperPositionMode = 'auto'; 494 set(figure1, 'PaperSize
', [figure_pos(3) figure_pos(4)]); 499 print('-depsc2
', fullfile(outputdir, [outfilename,'.eps
'])) 500 print('-dpdf
', fullfile(outputdir,[outfilename, '.pdf
'])) 502 disp('Failed to export figure
'); 503 disp( errCause.identifier ); 504 disp( errCause.stack(1) ); function CalcSpectrum()
calculates the spectrum of the leads
function Graphene_antidot_transport(filenum)
Calculates the conductance through a graphene antidot in a homogeneous magnetic field.
Structure hole contains the data about the antidot used in class antidot.
function setOutputDir()
sets output directory
function Transport(Energy, B)
Calculates the conductance at a given energy value.
A class to perform transport calculations on a graphene antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon)....
function PlotFunction()
Creates the plot.
Structure scatterers contains data on the scattering impurities used in class antidot.
function secular_H(H0, H1, k)
Hamiltonian for the secular equation.
function CreateHandlesForMagneticField(B)
Creates and set function handles of the magnetic vector potentials in the Ribbon class.
A class to calculate the Green functions and self energies of a translational invariant lead The nota...
Structure param contains data structures describing the physical parameters of the scattering center ...
function CalculateTransport()
Calculates the conductance.