2 % Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Peter Rakyta, Ph.D.
4 % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 % (at your option) any later version.
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License
for more details.
14 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 % along with
this program. If not, see http:
17 %> @addtogroup utilities Utilities
20 %> @brief A
class to calculate the DC Josephson current.
22 %> @brief A
class to calculate the DC Josephson current.
27 %> The magnetic field in Tesla (OBSOLETE)
33 methods (Access=
35 %% Contructor of the
class 36 %> @brief Constructor of the
38 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters. For details see #InputParsing.
39 %> @
return An instance of the
class 46 obj.scatterPotential = [];
47 obj.gfininvfromHamiltonian =
49 obj.useSelfEnergy =
51 if strcmpi(
52 obj.InputParsing( varargin{:} );
60 %% CurrentCalc_discrete
61 %> @brief Calculates the Josephson current
using the method in PRB 93, 224510 (2016)
62 %> @
param DeltaPhi_vec Array of phase diffrencies between the superconducting contacts.
63 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https:
64 %> @
param 'range' String. Set
'ABS' (
for the Andreev bound states,
'NBS' for the normal bound states,
'CONT' for the scattering states, or
'ALL' for calculating all ranges at once.
65 %> @
param 'Edb' The number of the energy points over the contour integral. (
default value is 511)
66 %> @
param 'DeltaPhi' A parameter to control the incident angle of the integration contour near the real axis. (Default value is \f$\Delta\Phi=0.5\pi\f$).
67 %> @
param 'Evec' An array containing the complex energy points in
case of custom integration path.
68 %> @
param 'Emin' A minimum of the energy array on the real axis.
69 %> @
param 'Emax' A maximum of the energy array on the real axis.
70 %> @
param 'ProximityOn' Logical value. Set
true to recalculate the Green
operator of the scattering center
for every phase difference. Useful
for self-consistent modelling of the proximity effect.
71 %> @
return An array of the calculated current corresponding to the phase differencies DeltaPhi_vec
72 function currentvec = CurrentCalc_discrete( obj, DeltaPhi_vec, varargin )
75 p.addParameter(
'ABS' ); % NBS: normal bound states, ABS: andreev bound states, CONT: scattering range, ALL: all contributions at once
76 p.addParameter(
'Edb', 511 ); % number of energy points on the contour
77 p.addParameter(
'DeltaPhi', 0.5*pi );
78 p.addParameter(
'Evec', [] );
79 p.addParameter(
'Emin', [] );
80 p.addParameter(
'Emax', [] );
81 p.addParameter(
false ); %New
if proxymity effect is taken into account, the current
operator must be recalculated
for each phase difference
84 range = p.Results.range;
86 Evec = p.Results.Evec;
87 Emin = p.Results.Emin;
88 Emax = p.Results.Emax;
89 DeltaPhi = p.Results.DeltaPhi;
90 ProximityOn = p.Results.ProximityOn;
92 DeltaPhi_vec = [0, DeltaPhi_vec];
93 DeltaPhi_vec = diff(DeltaPhi_vec);
95 % reset the phase difference to zero
100 obj.gfininvfromHamiltonian =
104 phivec = (0.5 + 0.5*sin( -0.5*pi:pi/(Edb+1):0.5*pi )) * DeltaPhi + (pi-DeltaPhi)/2;
106 if strcmp( range,
'NBS' ) && isempty(Evec) && (isempty(Emax) && isempty(Emin))
107 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Calculating current for the normal bound states.'], 1)
109 Emax = -obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emax;
110 Emin = -obj.BandWidth.Scatter.Emax;
111 % phivec = (0.5 + 0.5*sin( -0.5*pi:pi/(Edb+1):0.5*pi )) * pi;
112 %fact = -fact; %the contour integral is in the opposite direction as
for the ABS
113 elseif strcmp( range,
'ABS' ) && isempty(Evec) && (isempty(Emax) && isempty(Emin))
114 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Calculating current for the Andreev bound states.'], 1)
116 param = obj.junction.FL_handles.Read(
'param' );
118 Emin = -pair_potential;
120 %phivec = (0.5 + 0.5*sin( -0.5*pi:pi/(Edb+1):0.5*pi )) * pi;
121 elseif strcmp( range,
'CONT' ) && isempty(Evec) && (isempty(Emax) && isempty(Emin))
122 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Calculating current for the scattering states.'], 1)
124 param = obj.junction.FL_handles.Read(
'param' );
126 Emin = -obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emax;
127 Emax = -pair_potential;
128 %phivec = (0.5 + 0.5*sin( -0.5*pi:pi/(Edb+1):0.5*pi )) * pi;
129 elseif strcmp( range,
'ALL' ) && isempty(Evec) && (isempty(Emax) && isempty(Emin))
130 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Calculating current for all the states.'], 1)
132 Emin = min([-obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emax,-obj.BandWidth.Scatter.Emax]);
134 %phivec = (0.5 + 0.5*sin( -0.5*pi:pi/(Edb+1):0.5*pi )) * pi;
135 elseif ~isempty(Evec)
136 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Calculating current for custom energy contour.'], 1)
137 Emin = min(real(Evec));
138 Emax = max(real(Evec));
140 elseif (~isempty(Emax) && ~isempty(Emin))
142 err = MException([
'Unrecognized energy range']);
143 save(
148 currentvec = zeros(size(DeltaPhi_vec));
152 % E -> -E symmetry
for both zero and nonzero temperature.
155 % creating the energy array
156 radius = abs( Emax-Emin) /2;
157 R = radius/sin(DeltaPhi/2);
159 Evec = R*(cos(phivec) + 1i*sin(phivec)) - radius + Emax - 1i*R*sin((pi-DeltaPhi)/2);
162 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Calculating the current between Emin = ', num2str(Emin),
' and Emax = ',num2str(Emax),],1);
163 deltaEvec = [0, diff(Evec)];
164 currentsurf = complex(zeros( length(Evec), length(obj.T), length(DeltaPhi_vec) ));
166 % open the parallel pool
168 poolmanager.openPool();
170 % setting
function handles
for the parallel calculations
171 hdisplay = @obj.display;
172 hSetEnergy = @obj.SetEnergy;
173 hcreateCurrentOperator = @obj.createCurrentOperator;
174 hincreasePhaseDifference = @obj.increasePhaseDifference;
175 hcomplexCurrent = @complexCurrent;
177 junction_loc = obj.junction;
180 % starting parallel calculations
181 parfor (iidx = 1:length(Evec), obj.Opt.workers)
182 %
for iidx = 1:length(Evec)
184 if isempty(junction_loc.getTransverseMomentum())
186 feval( hdisplay, [
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Currently evaluating ', num2str(iidx),
' from ', num2str(length(Evec))], 1);
189 % in the first iteration the
self energies of all terminals should be recalculated
190 recalculateSurface = [1 2];
192 % set the energy value in the current iteration
193 feval(hSetEnergy, Evec(iidx),
'junction', junction_loc );
196 % determine the current
operator and calculate the Green
operator of the scattering center
197 current_op = feval(hcreateCurrentOperator,
'junction', junction_loc);
199 currentsurf( iidx, :, : ) = NaN(length(obj.T), length(DeltaPhi_vec));
200 feval(hdisplay, [
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Error in SNSJosephson:CurrentCalc_discrete at energy point E = ', num2str(Evec(iidx)),
' caused by:'],1);
201 feval(hdisplay, errCause.identifier, 1 );
202 feval(hdisplay, errCause.stack(1), 1 );
203 feval(hdisplay, [
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Giving NaN for the current at the given energy point'], 1);
207 % preallocating array
for the calculated, phase resolved current values
208 currentvec2int = zeros( length( T ), length( DeltaPhi_vec ) );
209 for jjdx = 1:length( DeltaPhi_vec )
211 % increasing the phase different between the superconducting leads
212 feval(hincreasePhaseDifference, DeltaPhi_vec(jjdx), junction_loc );
213 if ProximityOn && jjdx > 1
214 %
if proximity effect is taken into account, the current
operator must be always recalculated
215 current_op = feval(hcreateCurrentOperator,
'junction', junction_loc);
218 % evaluate the current at a complex energy
219 currentvec2int( :, jjdx ) = feval(hcomplexCurrent, junction_loc, current_op, recalculateSurface);
221 % the phase different is increased by unitary transformation, so recalculating the leeds is not necessary
222 recalculateSurface = []; % see increasePhaseDifference
224 feval(hdisplay, [
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Error in SNSJosephson:CurrentCalc_discrete at energy point E = ', num2str(Evec(iidx)),
'and at phase difference ', num2str(DeltaPhi_vec(jjdx)),
' caused by:'], 1);
225 feval(hdisplay, errCause.identifier, 1 );
226 for jjjdx = 1:length(errCause.stack)
227 feval(hdisplay, errCause.stack(jjjdx), 1 );
229 feval(hdisplay, ['EQuUs:Utils:', class(obj), ':CurrentCalc_discrete: Giving NaN for the calculated current at the given energy point and phase difference.'], 1);
230 currentvec2int( jjdx ) = NaN;
234 currentsurf( iidx, :, : ) = currentvec2int;
236 if isempty(junction_loc.getTransverseMomentum())
241 % closing the parallel pool
242 poolmanager.closePool();
245 % calculating the contour integrals
246 currentvec = cell( size(obj.T) );
247 for kkdx = 1:length( obj.T )
248 currentvec{kkdx} = zeros(size(DeltaPhi_vec));
249 for jjdx = 1:length( DeltaPhi_vec )
250 currentvec2integrate = currentsurf(:,kkdx,jjdx);
251 % omitting NaNs by substituting interpolates
252 indexes = isnan(currentvec2integrate);
253 indexesall = 1:length(currentvec2integrate);
255 currentvec2integrate(indexes) = interp1(indexesall(~indexes), currentvec2integrate(~indexes), indexesall(indexes),
'spline' );
256 current = fact*imag( obj.SimphsonInt( currentvec2integrate.*transpose(deltaEvec) ))/(pi);
257 currentvec{kkdx}( jjdx ) = currentvec{kkdx}( jjdx ) + current;
260 if length(obj.T) == 1
261 currentvec = currentvec{1};
264 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_discrete: Process finished.'], 1)
270 %------------------------------------------------
271 % calculates current
for complex energy
272 function current = complexCurrent( junction_loc, current_op, recalculateSurface )
275 if isprop(junction_loc,
276 junction_loc = junction_loc.Ribbons{1}; %
for the
CombineRibbons interface
280 G = junction_loc.CustomDysonFunc(
'recalculateSurface', recalculateSurface, ...
281 'decimate',
false, ...
282 'SelfEnergy', obj.useSelfEnergy,
285 gfininv_size = size(gfininv,1);
286 if G_size ~= gfininv_size
287 warning( [
':CurrentCalc_discrete: wrong size of Greens function'] )
292 fE = obj.Fermi(junction_loc.getEnergy());
294 scatter_sites = junction_loc.CreateH.Read('kulso_szabfokok');
295 if ~isempty(scatter_sites)
296 % if the Green operator is calculated from the whole Hamiltonian, the coordinates contain all
297 coordinates = junction_loc.CreateH.Read('coordinates');
298 BdG_indexes = coordinates.BdG_u(scatter_sites);
300 % obtaining only the surface points of the junction structure
301 coordinates = junction_loc.getCoordinates();
302 BdG_indexes = coordinates.BdG_u();
305 current = zeros(length( fE ), 1 );
307 for idx = 1:length( fE )
309 G_tmp( BdG_indexes, BdG_indexes) = G_tmp( BdG_indexes, BdG_indexes)*fE(idx);
310 G_tmp( ~BdG_indexes, ~BdG_indexes) = G_tmp( ~BdG_indexes, ~BdG_indexes)*(1-fE(idx));
312 current(idx) = trace( current_op*G_tmp );
318 % end nested functions
323 %% CurrentCalc_continuum
324 %> @brief Calculates the Josephson current of the continous scattering states.
325 %> @
param DeltaPhi_vec Array of phase diffrencies between the superconducting contacts.
326 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https:
327 %> @
param 'Edb' The number of the energy points over the contour integral. (default value is 511)
328 %> @return [1] An array of the calculated current corresponding to the phase differencies DeltaPhi_vec
329 %> @return [2] Energy resolved Josephson current.
330 function [currentvec, current_surf] = CurrentCalc_continuum( obj, DeltaPhi_vec, varargin )
332 obj.display(['EQuUs:Utils:', class(obj), ':CurrentCalc_continuum: Calculating current in the continuum range from the scattering matrix.'], 1)
334 p.addParameter('Edb', 511 ); % number of energy points on the contour
335 p.parse(varargin{:});
338 DeltaPhi_vec = [0, DeltaPhi_vec];
339 DeltaPhi_vec = diff(DeltaPhi_vec);
340 currentvec = zeros(size(DeltaPhi_vec));
342 % reset the phase difference to zero
345 % determine the bandwidth
347 Emax = -obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emin;
348 Emin = -obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emax;
349 Evec = (0.5+0.5*sin((0:Edb-1)/(Edb-1)*pi - pi/2))*(Emax-Emin) + Emin;
350 deltaEvec = [0, diff(Evec) ];
352 current_surf = zeros(length(DeltaPhi_vec), length(Evec));
353 % E -> -E symmetry
for both zero and nonzero temperature
356 hCurrentCalc_continuum_forGivenEnergy = @CurrentCalc_continuum_forGivenEnergy;
357 ribbon_loc = obj.junction;%;.CreateClone();
358 for kdx = 1:length( Evec )
359 obj.display( [
':CurrentCalc_continuum: Evaluating ', num2str(kdx),
' from ', num2str(length(Evec))], 1);
361 current_surf(:,kdx) = feval(hCurrentCalc_continuum_forGivenEnergy, DeltaPhi_vec, Evec(kdx), ribbon_loc );
365 for jdx = 1:length( DeltaPhi_vec )
366 currentvec2integrate = current_surf(jdx,:);
367 % omitting NaNs by substituting interpolates
368 indexes = isnan(currentvec2integrate);
369 indexesall = 1:length(currentvec2integrate);
371 currentvec2integrate(indexes) = interp1(indexesall(~indexes), currentvec2integrate(~indexes), indexesall(indexes),
'spline' );
372 current_surf(jdx,:) = currentvec2integrate;
373 currentvec(jdx) = currentvec(jdx) + fact*obj.SimphsonInt( currentvec2integrate.*(deltaEvec) )/(2*pi);
376 %reset the system
for a
new calculation
379 obj.display([
':CurrentCalc_continuum: Process finished.'], 1)
381 %-----------------------------------------------------------
383 function current = CurrentCalc_continuum_forGivenEnergy( DeltaPhi_vec, E, junction_loc )
385 obj.SetEnergy( E,
'junction', junction_loc );
387 param = junction_loc.FL_handles.Read(
'param' );
390 current = NaN( size( DeltaPhi_vec ) );
391 if abs(obj.junction.getEnergy()) <= abs(pair_potential)
395 current_op = obj.createCurrentOperator(
'junction', junction_loc);
400 recalculateSurface = [1 2];
401 for idx = 1: length( DeltaPhi_vec )
404 % setting phi2 to phi2+delta_phi
405 obj.increasePhaseDifference( DeltaPhi_vec(idx), junction_loc );
406 %calculating the current
407 current_tmp = CurrentCalc_continuum_for_GivenDeltaPhi( junction_loc, current_op, recalculateSurface);
409 obj.display( [
':CurrentCalc_continuum: Error in SNSJosephson:CurrentCalc_continuum_forGivenEnergy caused by:'])
410 obj.display( errCause.identifier, 1 );
411 obj.display( errCause.stack(1), 1 );
412 obj.display( [
':CurrentCalc_continuum: Giving NaN for the calculated current'])
415 recalculateSurface = [];
416 current(idx) = current_tmp;
421 %-------------------------------------------------
422 function current = CurrentCalc_continuum_for_GivenDeltaPhi( ribbon_loc, current_op, recalculateSurface )
424 %Dysonfunc = @()CustomDysonFunc(
'recalculateSurface', recalculateSurface);
425 Dysonfunc = @()ribbon_loc.CustomDysonFunc(
'recalculateSurface', recalculateSurface, ...
426 'decimate',
'SelfEnergy', obj.useSelfEnergy,
'scatter' );
428 G = ribbon_loc.FL_handles.DysonEq(
'CustomDyson', Dysonfunc );
430 %[S,ny] = obj.junction.FL_handles.SmatrixCalc();
431 M = ribbon_loc.FL_handles.Read(
433 % The calculated leads
for calculate the scattering states
434 Leads = ribbon_loc.FL_handles.Read(
435 vcsop_p = cell(length(Leads),1);
436 expk_p = cell(length(Leads),1);
437 expk_m = cell(length(Leads),1);
438 modusmtx_p = cell(length(Leads),1);
439 Normamtx = cell(length(Leads),1);
440 modusmtx_m = cell(length(Leads),1);
441 d_modusmtx_m = cell(length(Leads),1);
442 for iidx = 1:length(Leads)
443 vcsop_p{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
444 expk_p{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
445 expk_m{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
446 modusmtx_p{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
447 Normamtx{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
448 modusmtx_m{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
449 d_modusmtx_m{iidx} = Leads{iidx}.Read(
452 fE = obj.Fermi(ribbon_loc.getEnergy());
456 prop_indexes{1} = find(abs(abs(expk_p{1}) - 1) < tolerance);
457 prop_indexes{2} = find(abs(abs(expk_p{2}) - 1) < tolerance);
460 for cell_index = 1:length(Leads)
461 for iidx = 1:length(prop_indexes{cell_index})
462 current_tmp = CurrentFromGivenMode( cell_index, prop_indexes{cell_index}(iidx) );
463 current = current + current_tmp;
467 if imag(current) > 1e-6
468 warning([
':CurrentCalc_continuum: Current is complex: ', num2str(current)])
470 current = real(current);
473 %--------------------------------------------------
474 % calculates current from given incomming mode
475 function current_trans = CurrentFromGivenMode( cell_index, idx )
477 modus_in = zeros(size(G,1), 1);
478 indexes = sum(M(1:cell_index-1)) + (1:M(cell_index));
479 modus_in(indexes) = Normamtx{cell_index}*modusmtx_p{cell_index}(:,idx)/sqrt(vcsop_p{cell_index}(idx));
481 modus_out = G*modus_in;
482 sc_wavefnc = modus_out(sum(M)+1:end);
484 coordinates = ribbon_loc.getCoordinates();
485 scatter_sites = ribbon_loc.CreateH.Read(
486 if ~isempty(scatter_sites) %
if the Green
operator is calculated from the full Hamiltonian, the coordinates contain all
487 BdG_indexes = coordinates.BdG_u(scatter_sites);
489 BdG_indexes = coordinates.BdG_u;
492 current_op_particle = zeros(size(current_op));
493 current_op_particle( BdG_indexes, BdG_indexes) = current_op( BdG_indexes, BdG_indexes)*fE;
494 current_op_particle( ~BdG_indexes, ~BdG_indexes) = current_op( ~BdG_indexes, ~BdG_indexes)*(1-fE);
497 %G_tmp = G(sum(M)+1:end, sum(M)+1:end);
498 % G_tmp( BdG_indexes, BdG_indexes) = G_tmp( BdG_indexes, BdG_indexes)*fE;
499 % G_tmp( ~BdG_indexes, ~BdG_indexes) = G_tmp( ~BdG_indexes, ~BdG_indexes)*(1-fE);
501 % current_trans_old = imag(trace( current_op*G_tmp ));
503 %G_tmp = G(sum(M)+1:end, sum(M)+1:end);
506 %current_trans = imag(trace( current_op_particle*G_tmp ));
510 current_trans = sc_wavefnc
'*current_op_particle*sc_wavefnc; 513 %transmitted quasiparticle current 514 quasi_current_trans = sc_wavefnc'*current_op*sc_wavefnc;
516 %H1sc = ribbon_loc.Scatter_UC.Read(
517 %c1 = sc_wavefnc(1:M(cell_index));
518 %c2 = sc_wavefnc(M(cell_index)+1:2*M(cell_index));
519 %quasi_current_trans = 1/(1i)*( c2
'*H1sc'*c1 - c1
'*H1sc*c2) 521 % ******** unitarity test ********** 522 % coupling Hamiltonian to calculate the current in the incomming lead 523 H1 = Leads{cell_index}.Read('H1
'); 525 modus_in = modusmtx_p{cell_index}(:,idx)/sqrt(vcsop_p{cell_index}(idx)); 526 quasi_current_in = 1i*modus_in'*(H1*expk_p{cell_index}(idx)-H1
'/expk_p{cell_index}(idx))*modus_in; 528 modus_ref = modus_out(indexes) - modus_in; 529 r = d_modusmtx_m{cell_index}*modus_ref; 530 quasi_current_ref = 0; 531 for iiidx = 1:M(cell_index) 532 if abs(abs(expk_m{cell_index}(iiidx))-1) <= 1e-6 533 modus_ref_tmp = r(iiidx)*modusmtx_m{cell_index}(:,iiidx); 534 quasi_current_ref = quasi_current_ref + 1i*modus_ref_tmp'*(H1*expk_m{cell_index}(iiidx)-H1
'/expk_m{cell_index}(iiidx))*modus_ref_tmp; 537 quasi_current_ref = -quasi_current_ref; 539 delta_quasi_current = real(quasi_current_in - quasi_current_trans - quasi_current_ref); 541 if abs(delta_quasi_current) > tolerance 542 display(['EQuUs:Utils:
', class(obj), ':CurrentCalc_continuum: unitarity
test failed with \Delta I =
',num2str(delta_quasi_current)]); 544 % ******** unitarity test ********** 551 % end nested functions 554 %% createCurrentOperator 555 %> @brief Calculates the charge current operator from the inverse of the Greens function of the scattering region. 556 %> @param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/varargin.html): 557 %> @param 'junction
' An instance of class #NTerminal (or its subclass) describing the junction. 558 %> @return [1] The matrix operator of the current operator. 559 function current_op = createCurrentOperator( obj, varargin ) 562 p.addParameter('junction
', obj.junction); 563 p.parse(varargin{:}); 565 junction_loc = p.Results.junction; 567 obj.create_scatter_GreensFunction('junction
', junction_loc, 'gauge_trans
', true); 568 [~, gfininv ] = junction_loc.GetFiniteGreensFunction(); 574 if strcmpi( class(junction_loc), 'Ribbon' ) 577 current_op = zeros( size(gfininv) ); 578 % gfininv = E - Heff(E) !!!!! 579 current_op( 1:M, 2*M+1:3*M ) = -1/1i*(-1)*gfininv( 1:M, 2*M+1:3*M ); 580 current_op( M+1:2*M, 3*M+1:end ) = -1/1i*(-1)*gfininv( M+1:2*M, 3*M+1:end ); 581 current_op( 2*M+1:3*M, 1:M ) = 1/1i*(-1)*gfininv( 2*M+1:3*M, 1:M ); 582 current_op( 3*M+1:end, M+1:2*M ) = 1/1i*(-1)*gfininv(3*M+1:end, M+1:2*M ); 584 % gfininv = E - Heff(E) !!!!! 585 current_op = 1/1i*(triu(gfininv) - tril(gfininv)); 592 %> @brief Determines the band width of the leads and of the scattering region. 593 %> @return An instance of structure #BandWidth containing the bandwidths. 594 function ret = getBandWidth( obj ) 595 obj.display('Getting Bandwidths
', 1); 597 if ~isempty(obj.BandWidth) 601 poolmanager = Parallel( obj.Opt ); 602 poolmanager.openPool(); 604 Surface_1 = obj.junction.FL_handles.SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator(1, 'Just_Create_Hamiltonians
', true, 'q
', obj.junction.getTransverseMomentum(), 'leadmodel
', obj.junction.leadmodel, ... 605 'CustomHamiltonian
', obj.junction.cCustom_Hamiltonians); 606 W = BandWidthCalculator( Surface_1 ); 608 param = obj.junction.FL_handles.Read( 'param' ); 609 pair_potential = min([abs(param.Leads{1}.pair_potential), abs(param.Leads{2}.pair_potential)]); 612 obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emin = abs(pair_potential); 613 obj.BandWidth.Lead.Emax = W; 616 if strcmpi( class(obj.junction), 'Ribbon' ) 617 obj.junction.CreateRibbon(); 618 W = BandWidthCalculator( obj.junction.Scatter_UC ); 619 elseif strcmpi( class(obj.junction), 'NTerminal' ) 620 obj.junction.CreateScatter(); 621 W = 1.3*BandWidthCalculatorMolecule( obj.junction.CreateH ); % multiplied by 1.3 just for sure to include normal bound states 626 obj.BandWidth.Scatter.Emin = 0; 627 obj.BandWidth.Scatter.Emax = W; 629 poolmanager.closePool(); 634 %-------------------------------------------- 635 function W = BandWidthCalculator( Scatter_UC ) 637 H0 = Scatter_UC.Read('H0
'); 638 q = obj.junction.getTransverseMomentum(); 640 H1_transverse = Scatter_UC.Read('H1_transverse
'); 641 H0 = H0 + H1_transverse*exp(1i*q) + H1_transverse'*exp(-1i*q);
643 H1 = Scatter_UC.Read(
644 u = rand(size(H0,1));
647 hgetMaxEigenvalue = @getMaxEigenvalue;
650 arnoldi = zeros( length(k),1);
651 parfor (idx = 1:length(k), poolmanager.NumWorkers)
652 Heff = feval(hsecular_H,H0,H1,k(idx));
653 arnoldi(idx) = abs(feval(hgetMaxEigenvalue, Heff ));
658 % --------------------------------------
659 % Hamiltonian for the secular equation
661 H = H0 + H1*exp(1i*k) + H1'*exp(-1i*k);
664 %--------------------------------------------
665 % getting the maximal eigenvalue with Arnoldi iteration
666 % Numerical Linear Algebra" by Trefethen and Bau. (p250) or
668 function ret = getMaxEigenvalue( Heff )
669 %u = rand(size(H0,1));
677 norm_new = norm(u_new);
678 lambda_new = norm_new/norm(u);
680 if abs((lambda - lambda_new)/lambda) < tolerance
691 %--------------------------------------------
692 function W = BandWidthCalculatorMolecule( CreateH )
693 Hscatter = CreateH.Read('Hscatter');
694 W = abs(eigs(Hscatter,1));
697 % end nested functions
705 methods (Access=protected)
710 %% create_scatter_GreensFunction
711 %> @brief Calculates the surface Green operator of the scattering region.
712 %> The calculated Green operator is stored within the objec
#junction (or in the object junction given as an optional parameter) 713 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https:
714 %> @
param 'gauge_trans' Logical value. Set true (
default) to perform gauge transformation on the Green
's function and on the Hamiltonians, or false otherwise. 715 %> @param 'junction
' An instance of class #NTerminal (or its subclass) describing the junction. 716 function create_scatter_GreensFunction( obj, varargin ) 719 p.addParameter('gauge_trans
', true); % logical: true if want to perform gauge transformation on the Green's
function and
Hamiltonians 720 p.addParameter(
'junction', obj.junction); %
for parallel computations
721 p.parse(varargin{:});
722 gauge_trans = p.Results.gauge_trans;
723 ribbon_loc = p.Results.junction;
725 if obj.gfininvfromHamiltonian
726 %calculating the Greens
function from the Hamiltonian
727 ribbon_loc.CalcFiniteGreensFunctionFromHamiltonian(
'gauge_trans', gauge_trans,
'PotInScatter', obj.scatterPotential );
729 % Calculating the Greens
function by the fast way optimized
for translational invariant systems
730 ribbon_loc.CalcFiniteGreensFunction(
'gauge_trans', gauge_trans);
738 %% increasePhaseDifference
739 %> @brief Increase the phase difference between the Leads by delta_phi (apply gauge transformation on the second lead)
740 %> @
param delta_phi The phase difference increment between the leads.
741 %> @
param ribbon_loc An instance of
class NTerminal (or its subclass) describing the junction.
742 function increasePhaseDifference( obj, delta_phi, junction_loc )
745 if isprop(junction_loc, 'Ribbons')
746 junction_loc = junction_loc.Ribbons{1}; %
for the
CombineRibbons interface
749 Leads = junction_loc.
'Leads' );
754 gaugetrans( Leads{2} )
757 % gauge transformation in the interface region
766 %--------------------------------------
767 %
function that performs tha gauge transformation on the pair
769 function gaugetrans(
Lead )
770 if abs(delta_phi ) < 1e-16
774 coordinates =
775 regular_sites =
777 if isempty(coordinates)
782 if isempty(coordinates.BdG_u)
783 % not a BdG calculation
784 warning([
':gaugetrans:Not a BdG calculation. Gauge transformation of the pair potential is skipped']);
788 if isempty(regular_sites)
792 Umtx_diag = zeros(size(regular_sites));
794 Umtx_diag( coordinates.BdG_u(regular_sites) ) = exp(1i*delta_phi/2);
795 Umtx_diag( ~coordinates.BdG_u(regular_sites) ) = exp(-1i*delta_phi/2);
796 Umtx = diag(Umtx_diag);
802 % end nested functions
808 %> @brief Resets the phase difference to the initial value.
809 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https:
810 %> @
param 'junction' An instance of
class #
NTerminal (or its subclass) describing the junction.
811 function ResetPhase( obj, varargin )
813 p.addParameter(
'junction', obj.junction);
814 p.parse(varargin{:});
816 junction_loc = p.Results.junction;
818 % retriving the
param structure
821 % setting the phase of the second lead
831 %> @brief Parses the optional parameters
for the
class constructor.
832 %> @
param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https:
833 %> @
param 'T' The temperature in Kelvin (scalar or an array)
834 %> @
param 'mu' The Chemical potential in the same unit as other energy scales in the
835 %> @
param 'scatterPotential' A
function handle pot=f( #coordinates ) or pot=f( #
CreateHamiltonians, Energy)
for the potential to be applied in the Hamiltonian (used when FiniteGreensFunctionFromHamiltonian=
836 %> @
param 'gfininvfromHamiltonian' Logical value. Set
true calculate the surface Greens
function of the scattering region from the Hamiltonaian of the scattering region, or false (
default) to calculate it by the fast way (see Phys. Rev. B 90, 125428 (2014)
for details).
837 %> @
param 'useSelfEnergy' Logical value. Set
true to use the
self energies of the leads in the Dyson equation, or false (
default) to use the surface Green
function instead.
838 %> @
param 'junction' An instance of
class #
NTerminal (or its derived
class) representing the junction.
839 function InputParsing( obj, varargin )
842 p.addParameter(
'T', obj.T);
843 p.addParameter(
'mu', obj.mu, @isscalar);
844 p.addParameter(
'scatterPotential', obj.scatterPotential);
845 p.addParameter(
'gfininvfromHamiltonian', obj.gfininvfromHamiltonian);
846 p.addParameter(
'ribbon', obj.junction); % NEW OBSOLETE use parameter junction istead
847 p.addParameter(
'junction', obj.junction); % NEW
848 p.addParameter(
'useSelfEnergy', obj.useSelfEnergy); %NEW
850 p.parse(obj.varargin{:});
852 junction = p.Results.junction;
853 if ~isempty(p.Results.ribbon) && isempty(junction)
854 junction = p.Results.ribbon;
858 InputParsing@
UtilsBase( obj,
'T', p.Results.T, ...
859 'mu', p.Results.mu, ...
860 'scatterPotential', p.Results.scatterPotential, ...
861 'gfininvfromHamiltonian', p.Results.gfininvfromHamiltonian, ...
862 'useSelfEnergy', p.Results.useSelfEnergy, ...
863 'junction', junction);
868 obj.junction.FL_handles.LeadCalc(
'q', obj.junction.getTransverseMomentum() );
874 end %
protected methods
A class describing an N-terminal geometry for equilibrium calculations mostly in the zero temperature...
function test(arg1, arg2)
Brief description of the function.
lead_param Leads
A list of structures lead_param containing the physical parameters for the scattering region.
Property T
The temperature in Kelvin.
A class for controlling the parallel pool for paralell computations.
function setParam(param)
cloning the individual attributes
Structure Opt contains the basic computational parameters used in EQuUs.
Property Interface_Regions
A cell array of classes InterfaceRegion to describe the interface region between the leads and the sc...
A class for calculations on a ribbon of finite width for equilibrium calculations mostly in the zero ...
function Transport(Energy, B)
Calculates the conductance at a given energy value.
function getParam()
Retrives a copy of the structure param used in the current calculations.
function Hamiltonians(varargin)
Function to create the custom Hamiltonians for the 1D chain.
A class to calculate the DC Josephson current.
function secular_H(H0, H1, k)
Hamiltonian for the secular equation.
function Unitary_Transform(Umtx)
Transforms the effective Hamiltonians and the calculated surface Green operator and selfenergy by a u...
A class to calculate the Green functions and self energies of a translational invariant lead The nota...
Structure BandWidthLimits contains the bandwidth limits.
Structure param contains data structures describing the physical parameters of the scattering center ...
Structure sites contains data to identify the individual sites in a matrix.
function Read(MemberName)
Query for the value of an attribute in the class.
function GetFiniteGreensFunction()
Query fo the calculated Green operator of the scattering center.
function Get_Neff()
Gets the effective number of sites after the elimination of the singular values.
This class is a base class containing common properties and methods utilized in several other classes...
Property FL_handles
An instance of class Transport_Interface (or its subclass) for transport calculations.
function InputParsing(varargin)
Parses the optional parameters for the class constructor.
An object for combining multiple ribbon parts of equal width and from the same material in a two term...
A class to create and store Hamiltonian of the scattering region.