Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm
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1 %% Eotvos Quantum Transport Utilities - Transport_Interface
2 % Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Peter Rakyta, Ph.D.
3 %
4 % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 % (at your option) any later version.
8 %
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 %
14 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 % along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
16 %
17 %> @addtogroup basic Basic Functionalities
18 %> @{
19 %> @file Transport_Interface.m
20 %> @brief A class to evaluate the Dyson equation and to calculate the scattering matrix for equilibrium processes.
21 %> @}
22 %> @brief A class to evaluate the Dyson equation and to calculate the scattering matrix for equilibrium processes.
23 %%
27  properties ( Access = protected )
28  %> The energy to be used in the calculations.
29  E
30  %> An instance of the structure param
31  param
32  %> The calculated Greens function.
33  G
34  %> an instance of #junction_sites describing the sites in the calculated Green operator
36  %> The calculated scattering matrix.
37  Smatrix
38  %> Numbers of the open channels in the leads.
39  nyitott_csatornak
40  %> Array ofstructures open_channels.
42  %> The matrix of the calculated conductance.
43  Conductance_Matrix
44  %> A function handle of the Dyson equation.
45  Dysonfunc
46  %> An instance of class #CreateHamiltonians or its subclass
47  CreateH
48  %> An instance of class #Peierls.
50  %> An array of classes #Lead (or its subclasses)
51  Leads
52  %> list of optional parameters (see http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/varargin.html for details)
53  varargin
54  end
59 methods
61 %% Contructor of the class
62 %> @brief Constructor of the class.
63 %> @param Opt An instance of the structure #Opt.
64 %> @param param An instance of the structure #param.
65 %> @param varargin Cell array of optional parameters. For details see #InputParsing.
66 %> @return An instance of the class
67 function obj = Transport_Interface(E, Opt, param, varargin)
68  obj = obj@Messages( Opt );
70  obj.E = E;
71  obj.param = param;
72  obj.varargin = varargin;
74  obj.Initialize();
77 end
79 %% ScatterCalc
80 %> @brief Calculates the effective (decimated) Hamiltonian of the scattering region. (Obsolete)
81 function ScatterCalc( obj )
83  obj.display('Creating Hamiltonian for Scattering region')
84  if isempty(obj.CreateH)
85  obj.CreateH = CreateHamiltonians(obj.Opt, obj.param);
86  end
87  obj.CreateH.CreateScatterH();
89  if obj.Opt.magnetic_field == 1
90  obj.display('Applying magnetic field in scattering region')
91  if isempty( obj.PeierlsTransform )
92  obj.PeierlsTransform = Peierls(obj.Opt, 'param', obj.param);
93  end
94  obj.PeierlsTransform.PeierlsTransform(obj.CreateH, 'Hscatter');
95  else
96  obj.PeierlsTransform = [];
97  end
99  if ~isempty(obj.param.scatter.Overlap_in_Scatter) && obj.param.scatter.Overlap_in_Scatter && ~(isempty(obj.Opt.type_of_scanning) ) && ~obj.Opt.Just_Create_Hamiltonians
100  obj.display('Applying overlap integrals in scattering region')
101  obj.ApplyOverlapInScatter( obj.CreateH, obj.E )
102  end
104  % Deciamtion
105  if obj.Opt.Decimation >= 1 && ~obj.Opt.Decimate_only_Dyson && ~obj.Opt.Just_Create_Hamiltonians
106  ido = cputime();
107  obj.display('Applying decimation procedure in scattering region')
108  Decimation_Procedure = Decimation(obj.Opt);
109  Decimation_Procedure.DecimationFunc(obj.E, obj.CreateH, 'Hscatter', 'kulso_szabfokok');
110  obj.display(['A decimalasnal eltelt ido:', num2str(cputime()-ido)]);
111  else
112  obj.display('No decimation calculation is performed in the scattering region')
113  end
115 end
117 %% LeadCalc
118 %> @brief Invokes the function #SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator for each lead.
119 %> @param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/varargin.html):
120 %> @param 'shiftLeads' A real number. If given, the on-site potentials of the sites in the lead are shifted by this value.
121 %> @param 'transversepotential' A function handle pot = f( #coordinates ) or pot=f( #CreateLeadHamiltonians, Energy) of the transverse potential applied in the lead. (Instead of #CreateLeadHamiltonians can be used its derived class)
122 %> @param 'coordinates_shift' An integer. If given, the coordinates of the sites in the lead are shifted by coordinates_shift*lattice vector.
123 %> @param 'gauge_field' Function handle S = f( x,y) of the gauge transformation on the Hamiltonians of the leads. (S is a N x 1 vector, where N is the number of the points given by the x and y coordinates.)
124 %> @param 'createCore' Set 1 for creating the class instances #Lead but omitting any further calculations, or false (default) to continue with the calculations.
125 %> @param 'SelfEnergy' Logical value. Set true to calculate the self energies of the leads. (default is false)
126 %> @param 'SurfaceGreensFunction' Logical value. Set true to calculate the surface Green functions of the leads. (default is true)
127 %> @param 'leads' Array of lead identification numbers for which the calculations should be performed. (Default is a list of all leads)
128 %> @param 'leadmodel' A function handle #Lead=f( idx, E, varargin ) of the alternative lead model with equivalent inputs and return values as #Transport_Interface.SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator and with E standing for the energy.
129 %> @param 'CustomHamiltonian' An instance of class #Custom_Hamiltonians or its derived class to create custom Hamiltonians in the leads.
130 %> @param 'Just_Create_Hamiltonians' Logical value. Set true to create the Hamiltonians of the leads, but stop further calculations. Default value is false.
131 %> @param 'q' The tranverse momentum for transverse computations.
132 %> @return Returns with an array of the created #Lead instances.
133 function lead_ret = LeadCalc( obj, varargin )
135  p = inputParser;
136  p.addParameter('shiftLeads', zeros(length(obj.param.Leads),1));
137  p.addParameter('transversepotential', []);
138  p.addParameter('coordinates_shift', zeros(length(obj.param.Leads),1) );
139  p.addParameter('gauge_field', [] );
140  p.addParameter('createCore', 0);
141  p.addParameter('SelfEnergy',false); % set true to calculate the self energy of the semi-infinite lead
142  p.addParameter('SurfaceGreensFunction', true );% set true to calculate the surface Greens function of the semi-infinite lead
143  p.addParameter('leads', 1:length(obj.param.Leads) );% list of leads to be calculated
144  p.addParameter('leadmodel', []); %function handle for an individual physical model for the contacts
145  p.addParameter('CustomHamiltonian', []);
146  p.addParameter('Just_Create_Hamiltonians', 0);
147  p.addParameter('q', [] ) %transverse momentum
148  p.parse(varargin{:});
150  shiftLeads = p.Results.shiftLeads;
151  transversepotential = p.Results.transversepotential;
152  coordinates_shift = p.Results.coordinates_shift; % shifts coordinates by "coordinates_shift" times of a lattice vector.
153  gauge_field = p.Results.gauge_field; % if a valid function handle is given, it is used to perform gauge transformation on Lead Hamiltonians
154  createCore = p.Results.createCore;
155  SelfEnergy = p.Results.SelfEnergy;
156  SurfaceGreensFunction = p.Results.SurfaceGreensFunction;
157  leads = p.Results.leads;
158  Just_Create_Hamiltonians = p.Results.Just_Create_Hamiltonians;
159  q = p.Results.q;
160  CustomHamiltonian = p.Results.CustomHamiltonian;
161  leadmodel = p.Results.leadmodel;
163  if isempty(obj.Leads)
164  obj.Leads = cell(length(obj.param.Leads),1);
165  end
166  obj.display(' ')
167  obj.display('Creating surface_Greens_function interfaces:')
168  obj.display(' ')
169  idx = 1;
170  while idx <= length(leads)
171  obj.display('------------------------------')
172  obj.display(['Lead: ',num2str(leads(idx))])
173  obj.Leads{leads(idx)} = obj.SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator(leads(idx), 'shiftLead', shiftLeads(leads(idx)), 'transversepotential', transversepotential, 'coordinates_shift', coordinates_shift(leads(idx)),...
174  'gauge_field', gauge_field, 'createCore', createCore, ...
175  'SelfEnergy', SelfEnergy, 'SurfaceGreensFunction', SurfaceGreensFunction, 'q', q, 'leadmodel', leadmodel, 'CustomHamiltonian', CustomHamiltonian, 'Just_Create_Hamiltonians', Just_Create_Hamiltonians);
176  obj.display(' ')
177  idx = idx + 1;
178  end
180  lead_ret = obj.Leads;
182 end
184 %% DysonEq
185 %> @brief Invokes the function handle of the Dyson equation, and stores the calculated values in attributes #G and #junction_sites.
186 %> @param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/varargin.html):
187 %> @param 'CustomDyson' A function handle [G, Ginverz, #junction_sites] = CustomDyson() of the Dyson equation to be evaluated. If not given, the function handle given by the present class is used instead.
188 %> @return [1] Returns with the calculated Green operator.
189 %> @return [2] With the attribute #junction_sites.
190 function [Gret, junction_sites_ret] = DysonEq( obj, varargin )
192  obj.display(['EQuUs:', class(obj), 'DysonEq: Evaluating Dyson Equation'])
194  p = inputParser;
195  p.addParameter('CustomDyson', []);
196  p.parse(varargin{:});
198  if ~isempty( p.Results.CustomDyson )
199  obj.Dysonfunc = p.Results.CustomDyson;
200  end
202  if ~isempty( obj.Dysonfunc )
203  if nargout( obj.Dysonfunc ) == 1
204  obj.G = obj.Dysonfunc();
205  else
206  [obj.G, ~, obj.junction_sites] = obj.Dysonfunc();
207  end
208  else
209  obj.G = [];
210  end
211  Gret = obj.G;
212  junction_sites_ret = obj.junction_sites;
214 end
217 %% Conductance2
218 %> @brief Conductance calculated by Eq (19) in PRB 73 085414
219 %> @return Returns with the calculated conductance.
220  function C = Conductance2( obj )
223  Gamma = cell(size(obj.Leads));
224  for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
225  Gamma{idx} = obj.Leads{idx}.Gamma();
226  end
228  Gamma_left = [Gamma{1}, zeros( size(Gamma{1},1), size(Gamma{2},2));
229  zeros( size(Gamma{2},1), size(Gamma{1},2)+size(Gamma{2},2)) ];
231  Gamma_right = [zeros( size(Gamma{1},1), size(Gamma{1},2)+size(Gamma{2},2));
232  zeros(size(Gamma{2},1), size(Gamma{1},2)), Gamma{2}];
234  for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
235  Gamma{idx} = [];
236  end
238  % Eq (19) PRB 73 085414
239  C = trace( Gamma_left*obj.G'*Gamma_right*obj.G ) ;
242 %***********************************
243 % Sigma = cell(size(obj.Leads));
244 % for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
245 % Sigma{idx} = obj.Leads{idx}.Read('Sigma');
246 % end
247 %
248 % Sigma_left = [Sigma{1}, zeros( size(Sigma{1},1), size(Sigma{2},2));
249 % zeros( size(Sigma{2},1), size(Sigma{1},2)+size(Sigma{2},2)) ];
250 %
251 % Sigma_right = [zeros( size(Sigma{1},1), size(Sigma{1},2)+size(Sigma{2},2));
252 % zeros(size(Sigma{2},1), size(Sigma{1},2)), Sigma{2}];
253 %
254 % for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
255 % Sigma{idx} = [];
256 % end
257 %
258 % Eq (22) Eur. Phys. J. B 53, 537-549 (2006)
259 % current2 = 2*real( trace(-1i*obj.G*Gamma_right*obj.G'*Sigma_left') );
260 %
261 % current-current2
262 %*********************************
265  end
267 %% Conduktance
268 %> @brief Calculates the conductance matrix from the scattering matrix
269 %> @return Returns with the calculated conductance matrix.
270 function C = Conduktance( obj )
271  obj.display('calculating conductance matrix')
273  obj.nyitott_csatornak = obj.nyitott_csatornak;
274  LeadsNumber = length(obj.open_channels);
275  C = zeros(LeadsNumber, LeadsNumber);
277  rows = 0;
278  for rowidx = 1:LeadsNumber
279  rows_tmp = max(rows)+ (1:obj.open_channels(rowidx).num);
280  if isempty(rows_tmp)
281  continue;
282  end
283  rows = rows_tmp;
284  cols = 0;
285  for colidx = 1:LeadsNumber
286  cols_tmp = max(cols)+ (1:obj.open_channels(colidx).num);
287  if isempty(cols_tmp)
288  continue;
289  end
290  cols = cols_tmp;
291  s = obj.Smatrix( rows, cols);
294  if ~obj.Opt.BdG
295  if rowidx == colidx
296  C(rowidx,colidx) = -obj.open_channels(rowidx).num + trace(s'*s);
297  else
298  C(rowidx,colidx) = trace(s'*s);
299  end
300  else
301  if obj.open_channels(rowidx).isSuperconducting || obj.open_channels(colidx).isSuperconducting
302  continue
303  end
304  incoming_electrons = obj.open_channels(colidx).BdG_u_incoming( obj.open_channels(colidx).open_channels_p );
305  outgoing_holes = ~obj.open_channels(rowidx).BdG_u_outgoing( obj.open_channels(colidx).open_channels_p );
306  outgoing_electrons = obj.open_channels(rowidx).BdG_u_outgoing( obj.open_channels(colidx).open_channels_m );
308  if rowidx == colidx
309  r_normal = s( outgoing_electrons, incoming_electrons );
310  r_andreev = s( outgoing_holes, incoming_electrons );
311  M = length(find( obj.open_channels(rowidx).open_channels_p & obj.open_channels(rowidx).BdG_u_incoming));
312  C(rowidx,colidx) = -M + trace(r_normal'*r_normal) - trace(r_andreev'*r_andreev);
313  else
314  t_normal = s( outgoing_electrons, incoming_electrons );
315  t_andreev = s( outgoing_holes, incoming_electrons );
316  C(rowidx,colidx) = trace(t_normal'*t_normal) - trace(t_andreev'*t_andreev);
317  end
320  end
321  end
322  end
324  obj.Conductance_Matrix = C;
327 end
329 %% SmatrixCal
330 %> @brief Calculates the scattering matrix
331 %> @return [1] The scattering matrix
332 %> @return [2] An array containing the number of openchannels in the leads. Obsolete, use attribute #open_channels istead.
333 function [S, Neff] = SmatrixCalc( obj )
334  obj.display('calculating S-matrix')
335  Neff = obj.Get_Neff();
336  obj.Determine_Open_Channels()
338  NormamtxAll = zeros(sum(Neff), sum(Neff));
339  Modusmtx_pAll = zeros(sum(Neff), sum(Neff));
340  d_Modusmtx_mAll = zeros(sum(Neff), sum(Neff));
341  Gyokvcsop_pAll = zeros(sum(Neff), 1);
342  Gyokvcsop_mAll = zeros(sum(Neff), 1);
343  evanescent_indexes_pAll = false(sum(Neff), 1);
344  evanescent_indexes_mAll = false(sum(Neff), 1);
346  for idx = 1:length(Neff)
347  NormamtxAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)), sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = obj.Leads{idx}.Read('Normamtx');
348  Modusmtx_pAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)), sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = obj.Leads{idx}.Read('modusmtx_p');
349  d_Modusmtx_mAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)), sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = obj.Leads{idx}.Read('d_modusmtx_m');
350  Gyokvcsop_pAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = sqrt(abs(obj.Leads{idx}.Read('vcsop_p')));
351  Gyokvcsop_mAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = sqrt(abs(obj.Leads{idx}.Read('vcsop_m')));
352  evanescent_indexes_pAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = ~(obj.open_channels(idx).open_channels_p);
353  evanescent_indexes_mAll( sum(Neff(1:idx-1))+1:sum(Neff(1:idx)) ) = ~(obj.open_channels(idx).open_channels_m);
354  end
356  GN0 = obj.G(1:sum(Neff),1:sum(Neff))*NormamtxAll;
357  S = (d_Modusmtx_mAll*(GN0-eye(sum(Neff))) )*Modusmtx_pAll;
359  % sorting out evanescent modes
360  S(:,evanescent_indexes_pAll) = [];
361  S(evanescent_indexes_mAll,:) = [];
362  Gyokvcsop_mAll = Gyokvcsop_mAll(~evanescent_indexes_mAll);
363  Gyokvcsop_pAll = Gyokvcsop_pAll(~evanescent_indexes_pAll);
365  S = diag( Gyokvcsop_mAll )*S*diag(Gyokvcsop_pAll.^(-1));
366  obj.Smatrix = S;
368  % obsolete code lines
369  obj.nyitott_csatornak = zeros(size(Neff));
370  for idx = 1:length(Neff)
371  obj.nyitott_csatornak(idx) = obj.open_channels(idx).num;
372  end
373  Neff = obj.nyitott_csatornak;
376 end
379 %% Determine_Open_Channels
380 %> @brief Determines the open channels in the leads. The data are storen within the attribute #open_channels.
381 function Determine_Open_Channels( obj )
382  M = obj.GetM();
383  obj.open_channels = structures('open_channels');
384  obj.open_channels = repmat(obj.open_channels, size(M));
386  for idx = 1:length( M )
387  obj.Leads{idx}.Determine_Open_Channels();
388  obj.open_channels(idx) = obj.Leads{idx}.Read('open_channels');
389  end
391 end
393 %% SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator
394 %> @brief Calculates the surface Green's function or the self energy of a Lead.
395 %> @param idx the identification number of the lead in the attribute Leads (see attribute #CreateLeadHamiltonians.Hanyadik_Lead).
396 %> @param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/varargin.html):
397 %> @param 'shiftLeads' A real number. If given, the on-site potentials of the sites in the lead are shifted by this value.
398 %> @param 'transversepotential' A function handle pot = f( #coordinates ) or pot=f( #CreateLeadHamiltonians, Energy) of the transverse potential applied in the lead. (Instead of #CreateLeadHamiltonians can be used its derived class)
399 %> @param 'Lead' An instance of class #Lead (or its subclass) that is intended to be used in the calculations.
400 %> @param 'coordinates_shift' An integer. If given, the coordinates of the sites in the lead are shifted by coordinates_shift*lattice vector.
401 %> @param 'gauge_field' Function handle S = f( x,y) of the gauge transformation on the Hamiltonians of the leads. (S is a N x 1 vector, where N is the number of the points given by the x and y coordinates.)
402 %> @param 'createCore' Set 1 for creating the class instances #Lead but omitting any further calculations, or false (default) to continue with the calculations.
403 %> @param 'SelfEnergy' Logical value. Set true to calculate the self energies of the leads. (default is false)
404 %> @param 'SurfaceGreensFunction' Logical value. Set true to calculate the surface Green functions of the leads. (default is true)
405 %> @param 'leads' Array of lead identification numbers for which the calculations should be performed. (Default is a list of all leads)
406 %> @param 'leadmodel' A function handle #Lead=f( idx, E, varargin ) of the alternative lead model with equivalent inputs and return values as #Transport_Interface.SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator and with E standing for the energy.
407 %> @param 'CustomHamiltonian' An instance of class #Custom_Hamiltonians or its derived class to create custom Hamiltonians in the leads.
408 %> @param 'Just_Create_Hamiltonians' Logical value. Set true to create the Hamiltonians of the leads, but stop further calculations. Default value is false.
409 %> @param 'q' The tranverse momentum for transverse computations.
410 %> @return Returns with the created #Lead instance.
411 function Lead_ret = SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator( obj, idx, varargin)
413  p = inputParser;
414  p.addParameter('createCore', 0);
415  p.addParameter('Just_Create_Hamiltonians', 0);
416  p.addParameter('shiftLead', 0);
417  p.addParameter('coordinates_shift', 0);
418  p.addParameter('transversepotential',[]);
419  p.addParameter('Lead',[]);
420  p.addParameter('gauge_field', [] );% gauge field for performing gauge transformation
421  p.addParameter('SelfEnergy',false); % set true to calculate the self energy of the semi-infinite lead
422  p.addParameter('SurfaceGreensFunction', true );% set true to calculate the surface Greens function of the semi-infinite lead
423  p.addParameter('leadmodel', []); %function handle for an individual physical model for the contacts
424  p.addParameter('CustomHamiltonian', []);
425  p.addParameter('q', [] ) %transverse momentum
426  p.parse(varargin{:});
427  createCore = p.Results.createCore;
428  Just_Create_Hamiltonians = p.Results.Just_Create_Hamiltonians;
429  shiftLead = p.Results.shiftLead;
430  coordinates_shift = p.Results.coordinates_shift;
431  transversepotential = p.Results.transversepotential;
432  Lead_ret = p.Results.Lead;
433  gauge_field = p.Results.gauge_field; % gauge field for performing gauge transformation
434  SelfEnergy = p.Results.SelfEnergy;
435  SurfaceGreensFunction = p.Results.SurfaceGreensFunction;
436  q = p.Results.q;
437  CustomHamiltonian = p.Results.CustomHamiltonian;
438  leadmodel = p.Results.leadmodel;
441  if ~isempty( Lead_ret )
442  % do not create a new class instance if Lead_ret was given
443  Lead_ret.Reset();
445  elseif ~isempty(idx) && ~isempty(obj.param.Leads{idx}.Lead_Orientation)
446  Lead_ret = Lead(obj.Opt, obj.param,...
447  'Hanyadik_Lead', idx,....
448  'Lead_Orientation', obj.param.Leads{idx}.Lead_Orientation, ...
449  'q', q);
450  else
451  Lead_ret = Lead(obj.Opt, obj.param,...
452  'Hanyadik_Lead', idx, ...
453  'q', q);
454  end
457  if createCore
458  return
459  end
461  if obj.Opt.Simple_Green_Function
462  Lead_ret.SurfaceGreen_simple(obj.E);
463  elseif ~isempty(leadmodel)
464  Lead_ret = leadmodel( idx, obj.E, 'createCore', createCore, ...
465  'Just_Create_Hamiltonians', Just_Create_Hamiltonians, ...
466  'shiftLead', shiftLead, ...
467  'coordinates_shift', coordinates_shift, ...
468  'transversepotential', transversepotential, ...
469  'Lead', Lead_ret, ...
470  'gauge_field', gauge_field, ...
471  'SelfEnergy', SelfEnergy, ...
472  'SurfaceGreensFunction', SurfaceGreensFunction, ...
473  'q', q);
474  else
476  % creating Hailtonians
477  obj.display(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator: Creating Hamiltonians for lead'])
478  Lead_ret.CreateHamiltonians( 'CustomHamiltonian', CustomHamiltonian );
479  Lead_ret.ShiftCoordinates( coordinates_shift );
480  if obj.Opt.magnetic_field == 1
481  obj.display(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator: Applying magnetic field in lead'])
483  % In superconducting lead one must not include nonzero magnetic
484  % field.
485  % Hamiltonians in transverse computations must remain
486  % traslational invariant. In transverse computations a gauge
487  % tranformation is performed on each lead-sample interface to
488  % cancel the vector potential
489  if ~Lead_ret.isSuperconducting() %&& isempty( Lead_tmp.Read('q') )
490  obj.PeierlsTransform.PeierlsTransformLeads(Lead_ret);
491  elseif ~isempty( gauge_field ) %&& isempty( Lead_tmp.Read('q') )
492  obj.PeierlsTransform.gaugeTransformationOnLead( Lead_ret, gauge_field );
493  end
494  end
496  if abs(shiftLead) > 1e-6
497  Lead_ret.ShiftLead( shiftLead );
498  end
500  if ~isempty(transversepotential) && isempty(q) %In transverse computations no transverse potential can be applied
501  coordinates = Lead_ret.Read('coordinates');
502  if nargin( transversepotential ) == 1
503  potential2apply = transversepotential( coordinates );
504  elseif nargin( transversepotential ) == 2
505  potential2apply = transversepotential( Lead_ret, obj.E );
506  else
507  error('EQuUs:Transport_Interface:SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator', 'To many input arguments in function handle PotInScatter');
508  end
510  if isprop(coordinates, 'BdG_u')
511  if size( potential2apply, 1) == 1 || size( potential2apply, 2) == 1
512  potential2apply(~coordinates.BdG_u) = -potential2apply(~coordinates.BdG_u);
513  else
514  potential2apply(~coordinates.BdG_u, ~coordinates.BdG_u) = -conj(potential2apply(~coordinates.BdG_u, ~coordinates.BdG_u));
515  end
516  end
517  Lead_ret.AddPotential( potential2apply );
518  end
520  if Just_Create_Hamiltonians
521  return;
522  end
524  % Solve the eigen problem
525  obj.display(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator: Eigenvalues for lead'])
526  Lead_ret.TrukkosSajatertekek(obj.E);
528  % group velocities
529  obj.display(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator: Group velocities for lead'])
530  Lead_ret.Group_Velocity();
533  % retarded surface Green operator
534  if SurfaceGreensFunction
535  Lead_ret.SurfaceGreenFunction();
536  end
538  % retarded SelfEnergy
539  if SelfEnergy
540  Lead_ret.SelfEnergy();
541  end
543  end
546 end
548 %% setEnergy
549 %> @brief Sets the energy to be used in the calculations and resets the calculated attributes.
550 %> @param Energy The energy value
551  function setEnergy( obj, Energy )
552  obj.E = Energy;
554  % reset the attributes in the CreateHamiltonians class
555  if ~isempty( obj.CreateH )
556  obj.CreateH.Reset();
557  end
559  % reset the lead attributes
560  if ~isempty( obj.Leads )
561  for idx = 1:length( obj.Leads )
562  obj.Leads{idx}.Reset();
563  end
564  end
566  end
569 %% Read
570 %> @brief Query for the value of an attribute in the class.
571 %> @param MemberName The name of the attribute.
572 %> @return Returns with the value of the attribute.
573  function ret = Read(obj, MemberName)
574  if strcmp(MemberName, 'M')
575  ret = obj.GetM();
576  return
577  else
578  try
579  ret = obj.(MemberName);
580  catch
581  error(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':Read'], ['No property to read with name: ', MemberName]);
582  end
583  end
585  end
587 %% Write
588 %> @brief Sets the value of an attribute in the class.
589 %> @param MemberName The name of the attribute to be set.
590 %> @param input The value to be set.
591  function Write(obj, MemberName, input)
593  if strcmp(MemberName, 'param')
594  obj.param = input;
595  obj.Reset();
596  return
597  elseif strcmp(MemberName, 'E')
598  obj.setEnergy( input );
599  else
600  try
601  obj.(MemberName) = input;
602  catch
603  error(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':Read'], ['No property to write with name: ', MemberName]);
604  end
605  end
607  end
609 %% Clear
610 %> @brief Clears the value of an attribute in the class.
611 %> @param MemberName The name of the attribute to be cleared.
612  function Clear(obj, MemberName)
613  try
614  obj.(MemberName) = [];
615  catch
616  error(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':Clear'], ['No property to clear with name: ', MemberName]);
617  end
619  end
621 %% Reset
622 %> @brief Resets all elements in the class.
623  function Reset(obj)
625  if strcmpi( class(obj), 'Transport_Interface' )
626  meta_data = metaclass(obj);
628  for idx = 1:length(meta_data.PropertyList)
629  prop_name = meta_data.PropertyList(idx).Name;
630  if strcmp(prop_name, 'Opt') || strcmp( prop_name, 'param') || strcmp(prop_name, 'varargin') || strcmp(prop_name, 'E')
631  continue
632  end
633  obj.Clear( prop_name );
634  end
635  end
637  obj.Initialize();
640  end
643 %% replaceLead
644 %> @brief Adds/replaces a lead to/in the system.
645 %> @param Lead_tmp An instance of class #Lead
646 %> @param idx Identification number of the lead. (see attribute #CreateLeadHamiltonians.Hanyadik_Lead).
647  function replaceLead( obj, Lead_tmp, idx )
649  if ~strcmpi( class(obj.junction), 'Lead' )
650  supClasses = superclasses(Lead_tmp);
651  if sum( strcmp( supClasses, 'Lead' ) ) == 0
652  error(['EQuUs:', class(obj), ':replaceLead'], 'Input Lead_tmp is not valid.');
653  end
654  end
656  obj.Leads{ idx } = Lead_tmp;
657  obj.Opt.NofLeads = length(obj.Leads);
658  end
660 %% LeadSave
661 %> @brief Saves the Hamiltonians of each lead
662  function LeadSave( obj )
663  for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
664  obj.Leads{idx}.SaveLeads();
665  end
666  end
668 %% CreateClone
669 %> @brief Creates a clone of the present class.
670 %> @return Returns with the cloned object.
671  function ret = CreateClone( obj )
673  if isempty( obj.CreateH )
674  CreateH_loc = [];
675  else
676  CreateH_loc = obj.CreateH.CreateClone();
677  end
679  if isempty( obj.PeierlsTransform )
680  PeierlsTransform_loc = [];
681  else
682  PeierlsTransform_loc = obj.PeierlsTransform.CreateClone();
683  end
685  ret = Transport_Interface(obj.E, obj.Opt, obj.param, ...
686  'CreateH', CreateH_loc, ...
687  'PeierlsTransform', PeierlsTransform_loc );
689  for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
690  ret.replaceLead( obj.Leads{idx}.CreateClone(), idx );
691  end
693  end
695 %% GetM
696 %> @brief Gets the width of the leads (see attribute #CreateLeadHamiltonians.M).
697 %> @return Returns with an array of the lead widths
698  function M = GetM( obj )
699  M = zeros(length(obj.Leads),1);
700  for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
701  M(idx) = obj.Leads{idx}.Read( 'M' );
702  end
704 % if ~isempty(M)
705 % param.Leads.M = M;
706 % end
707  end
709 %% Get_Neff
710 %> @brief Gets the size of the effective Hamiltonians of the leads
711 %> @return Returns with an array of integers;
712  function Neffs = Get_Neff( obj )
713  Neffs = zeros(length(obj.Leads),1);
714  for idx = 1:length(obj.Leads)
715  Neffs(idx) = obj.Leads{idx}.Get_Neff();
716  end
717  end
720 end % method public
723 methods ( Access = protected )
725 %% Initialize
726 %> @brief Initializes object attributes.
727  function Initialize(obj)
729  obj.G = [];
730  obj.junction_sites = [];
731  obj.Smatrix = [];
732  obj.nyitott_csatornak = [];
733  obj.open_channels = [];
734  obj.Conductance_Matrix = [];
735  obj.Dysonfunc = [];
737  obj.CreateH = [];
738  obj.PeierlsTransform = [];
739  obj.Leads = [];
741  if strcmpi( class(obj), 'Transport_Interface')
742  obj.InputParsing( obj.varargin{:});
743  end
745  end
747 %% InputParsing
748 %> @brief Parses the optional parameters for the class constructor.
749 %> @param varargin Cell array of optional parameters (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/varargin.html):
750 %> @param 'CreateH' An instance of class #CreateHamiltonians or its subclass storing the Hamiltonian of the scattering center.
751 %> @param 'PeierlsTransform' An instance of class #Peierls for the Peierls transformations.
752  function InputParsing( obj, varargin )
754  p = inputParser;
755  p.addParameter('CreateH', []);
756  p.addParameter('PeierlsTransform', []);
758  p.parse(varargin{:});
760  obj.PeierlsTransform = p.Results.PeierlsTransform;
761  obj.CreateH = p.Results.CreateH;
763  end
765 end % methods protected
767 end
function Messages(Opt)
Constructor of the class.
A class containing methodes for displaying several standard messages.
Definition: Messages.m:24
Structure Opt contains the basic computational parameters used in EQuUs.
Definition: structures.m:60
Property gauge
String containing the name of the built-in gauge ('LandauX', 'LandauY').
Definition: Peierls.m:31
Structure open_channels describes the open channel in the individual leads.
Definition: structures.m:159
Class to create and store Hamiltonian of the translational invariant leads.
function display(message, nosilent)
Displays output messages on the screen.
function Transport(Energy, B)
Calculates the conductance at a given energy value.
function PeierlsTransform(CreateH)
Algorithm to perform Peierls transformation in Hamiltonian stored in the CreateHamiltonians object.
A class to evaluate the Dyson equation and to calculate the scattering matrix for equilibrium process...
function Hamiltonians(varargin)
Function to create the custom Hamiltonians for the 1D chain.
A class providing function handle to reduce the number of sites in the Hamiltonian via decimation pro...
Definition: Decimation.m:29
function InputParsing(varargin)
Parses the optional parameters for the class constructor.
A class to import custom Hamiltonians provided by other codes or created manually
A class to calculate the Green functions and self energies of a translational invariant lead The nota...
Definition: Lead.m:29
Structure param contains data structures describing the physical parameters of the scattering center ...
Definition: structures.m:45
Structure sites contains data to identify the individual sites in a matrix.
Definition: structures.m:187
function SurfaceGreenFunctionCalculator(idx, varargin)
Calculates the surface Green's function or the self energy of a Lead.
A class responsible for the Peierls and gauge transformations.
Definition: Peierls.m:24
function gauge_field(x, y, eta_B, Aconst, height, lattice_constant)
Scalar gauge field connecting Landaux and Landauy gauges.
function structures(name)
Structure junction_sites contains data to identify the individual sites of the leads,...
Definition: structures.m:176
A class to create and store Hamiltonian of the scattering region.