Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm
dgetDiagInv.c File Reference

Gateway routine to call the dgetDiagInv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package. More...

#include "mex.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
Include dependency graph for dgetDiagInv.c:

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void getdiaginv_mp_dgetdiaginv_ (int *sizeA, int *nonzerosA, double *a, int *ia, int *ja, double *invA, int *error)
 For specification see getdiaginv::dgetdiaginv. More...
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
 Gateway routine to call the dgetdiaginv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package. More...

Detailed Description

Gateway routine to call the dgetDiagInv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package.

@usage To run the compiled MEX file from MATLAB/Octave (see Installation Guide of the EQuUs MKL component) type ret = dgetDiagInv(A), where A is structurally symmetric real valued sparse matrix, sizeInv is the dimension of the partial inverse to be calculated, ret is an array storing the calculated diagonal elements of the inverse.

Definition in file dgetDiagInv.c.

Function Documentation

◆ getdiaginv_mp_dgetdiaginv_()

void getdiaginv_mp_dgetdiaginv_ ( int *  sizeA,
int *  nonzerosA,
double *  a,
int *  ia,
int *  ja,
double *  invA,
int *  error 

For specification see getdiaginv::dgetdiaginv.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mexFunction()

void mexFunction ( int  nlhs,
mxArray *  plhs[],
int  nrhs,
const mxArray *  prhs[] 

Gateway routine to call the dgetdiaginv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package.

(see http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/standalone-example.html#zmw57dd0e18558).

nlhsNumber of output (left-side) arguments, or the size of the plhs array.
plhsArray of output arguments.
nrhsNumber of input (right-side) arguments, or the size of the prhs array.
prhsArray of input arguments.

Definition at line 52 of file dgetDiagInv.c.

Here is the call graph for this function: