Eötvös Quantum Utilities  v4.9.146
Providing the Horsepowers in the Quantum Realm
dgetPartialInv.c File Reference

Gateway routine to call the dgetPartialInv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package. More...

#include "mex.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
Include dependency graph for dgetPartialInv.c:

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void getpartialinv_mp_dgetpartialinv_ (int *sizeA, int *nonzerosA, double *a, int *ia, int *ja, int *sizeInv, double *invA, int *error)
 For specification see getpartialinv::dgetpartialinv. More...
void mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
 Gateway routine to call the dgetpartialinv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package. More...

Detailed Description

Gateway routine to call the dgetPartialInv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package.

@usage To run the compiled MEX file from MATLAB/Octave (see Installation Guide of the EQuUs MKL component) type ret = dgetDiagInv(A, sizeInv), where A is structurally symmetric real valued sparse matrix, sizeInv is the dimension of the partial inverse to be calculated, ret is the calculated partial inverse.

Definition in file dgetPartialInv.c.

Function Documentation

◆ getpartialinv_mp_dgetpartialinv_()

void getpartialinv_mp_dgetpartialinv_ ( int *  sizeA,
int *  nonzerosA,
double *  a,
int *  ia,
int *  ja,
int *  sizeInv,
double *  invA,
int *  error 

For specification see getpartialinv::dgetpartialinv.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mexFunction()

void mexFunction ( int  nlhs,
mxArray *  plhs[],
int  nrhs,
const mxArray *  prhs[] 

Gateway routine to call the dgetpartialinv subroutine from the mkl_EQuUs package.

(see http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/standalone-example.html#zmw57dd0e18558).

nlhsNumber of output (left-side) arguments, or the size of the plhs array.
plhsArray of output arguments.
nrhsNumber of input (right-side) arguments, or the size of the prhs array.
prhsArray of input arguments.

Definition at line 52 of file dgetPartialInv.c.

Here is the call graph for this function: