
  Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Peter Rakyta, Ph.D.
  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program.  If not, see


An object to perform transport calculations on a graphene antidot (i.e., a hollow in a ribbon).

Usage Examples

Class references


object = antidot(varargin)

varargin Optional parameters given by a sequence ...'name', value,... . Possible parameter names are the following:
  • width

    Integer. Gives the number of the atomic sites in the cross section of the ribbon.
  • height

    Integer. Gives the height of the ribbon in units of the lattice vector.
  • B

    The strength of the magnetic field in the units of Tesla.
  • hole

    An instance of structure hole.
  • scatterers

    An instance of structure scatterers.
  • radius

    The radius of the hole in units of lattice constant. (Obsolete)
  • filenameIn

    Input filename for the xml input structure.
  • filenameOut

    Output filename for the xml input structure.
  • transversepotential

    A function handle $$pot=f( coordinates )$$ to calculate the transverse potential in the cross section of the ribbon.
  • silent

    Set true for suppress the displaying of the output messages.

Attributes (protected)

  • a1

    A lattice vector in the hexagonal lattice.
  • a2

    A lattice vector in the hexagonal lattice.
  • ribbon

    An instance of the interface Ribbon.
  • gfin

    The Greens function of the scattering region.
  • gfininv

    The inverse of the Greens function of the scattering region.
  • waveFncDirnameFull

    Directory name to export the plotted wave functions.
  • waveFncSubDirname

    The name of the subdirectory to export the plotted wave functions.

Attributes (public)

  • hole

    An instance of structure hole
  • scatterers

    an instance of structures scatterers.
  • B

    The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
  • coordinates

    An instance of structure coordinates
  • antidot_edge_points

    the sites at the edge of the antidot.
  • flux_of_hole

    flux in the hole in units of \phi_0.



Calculates the conductance of an antidot connected to the leads in the "contact/scattering center/contact" arrangement.


[Conductance,ny,DeltaC] = object.Transport(Energy)

Energy The energy to be used in the calculations.

Conductance The calculated conductance in the units of $$2h/e$$.
ny The number of the open channels in the leads.
DeltaC The standard deviation of the calculated transmission probabilities.


Calculates the energies and wave functions of the bound states for antidot and dot systems.


ret = object.CalcWavefnc(Energy, closefigure, varargin)

Energy The energy to be used in the calculations.
closefigure If true, the created figure is closed at the end of the calculations.
varargin Optional parameters given by a sequance ...'name', value,... . Possible parameters are the following:
  • toPlot

    Set true (default) for plotting the wave function, or false otherwise.
  • Einhomegac

    Set true if the Energy is given in units of $$\hbar\omega_c$$, or false (default) otherwise.
  • filterHole

    Set true (default) for separating antidot bound states from the edge states, or false otherwise.
  • db

    The number of the calculated energy eigenvalues. Default is $$db=30$$.
  • infinitemass

    Set true for using the infinite mass boundary condition, or false (default) otherwise.
  • dotCalc

    Set true for a dot, or false (default) otherwise.
  • delta

    Every $$db$$th point of the wave function becomes plotted. Default is $$db=4$$.
  • smoothedge

    Set true for using a smooth edge in the calculations, or false (default) otherwise.

ret A structure containing the calculated results. The fields of the structure are the following:
  • eigvals

    The list of the calculated energy eigenvalues.
  • eigvecs

    The list of the calculated wave functions.
  • xcoords

    The meshgrid of the $$x$$ coordinates.
  • ycoords

    The meshgrid of the $$y$$ coordinates.


Creates the Hamiltonian for the antidot/dot.


[Hscatter, wavefunction_indexes] = object.create_hole_Hamiltonian( varargin )

varargin Optional parameters given by a sequance ...'name', value,... . Possible parameters are the following:
  • infinitemass

    Set true for using the infinite mass boundary condition, or false (default) otherwise.
  • dotCalc

    Set true for a dot, or false (default) otherwise.
  • smoothedge

    Set true for using a smooth edge in the calculations, or false (default) otherwise.

Hscatter The matrix representation of the created Hamiltonian.
wavefunction_indexes The list of the sites included in the antidot/dot system.


Creates function handles of the vector potentials and apply the magnetic filed in the ribbon Hamiltonians.




Determines the sites that should be cut off from the ribbon in order to create the hole. The hole_edge_points attribute hole_edge_points is also set to the calculated output.


hole_edge_points = object.getHolePoints()

hole_edge_points A matrix with culomns $$z$$ (slab index), $$zpoints_min$$, $$zpoints_max$$ (lower and upper bounds of the sites in the slab $$z$$).


Calculates the surface Greens function of the antidot. Sets the attributes gfin and gfininv to the calculated results.




Return a class handle ws_antidot of the workspace of the interface antidot. Changes in fields of the workspace are not always safe, since the reinitialization of the interface is not performed.


object.GetWorkspace( )

ret An instance of class handle ws_antidot.